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Headquarter Flag Not Moving At All - Epilogue


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Hello everybody,


I have a problem with Headquarter Flag, normally they should move a bit (like if wind push them) but in my Client Epilogue it doesn't do it...

Do you have any idea ?


Thank you in advance.


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did you modify its xml or npcgrp? int/u files touched?


I have edited the NPCGrp but not for this NPC. .utx files has been modified but not the one for Flag.


@Sweet: I'm in full detail ofc ! :) But indeed it acts like static object.

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Check left and right hand in NPC template. Some NPC have bug with animation if her hands with item.


also make sure your .int files are normal (lineagenpcsEv or something like that is for flag i think)

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I checked if headquarter have weapons in left/right arms but nothing...


What do you mean by "your .int files are normal" ? Normally I have a full clean Epilogue Client and even the "non custom Flag" don't move at all.


Thank you for all your replies & help :)

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