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Posted (edited)

//This code provides lvl 80 character




Config.java    (revision 0)


+ public static boolean ENABLE_CMD_UPLEVEL;

+ public static int UPLEVEL_ITEM_ID;

+ public static int UPLEVEL_ITEM_COUNT;

              public static String ALLOWED_SKILLS;

         public static String ALLOWED_SKILLS;

         public static FastList<Integer> ALLOWED_SKILLS_LIST = new FastList<>();






 +           ENABLE_CMD_UPLEVEL = Boolean.parseBoolean(L2JFrozenSettings.getProperty("EnableUpSystem", "True"));

 +           UPLEVEL_ITEM_ID = Integer.parseInt(L2JFrozenSettings.getProperty("UpLevelItemID", "3481"));

 +           UPLEVEL_ITEM_COUNT = Integer.parseInt(L2JFrozenSettings

ALT_SERVER_NAME_ENABLED = Boolean.parseBoolean(L2JFrozenSettings.getProperty("ServerNameEnabled", "false"));

ANNOUNCE_TO_ALL_SPAWN_RB = Boolean.parseBoolean(L2JFrozenSettings.getProperty("AnnounceToAllSpawnRb", "false"));







            import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.handler.voicedcommandhandlers.Voting;

            import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.handler.voicedcommandhandlers.Wedding;

+           import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.handler.voicedcommandhandlers.UpLevel;





+        if (Config.ENABLE_CMD_UPLEVEL)

+ registerVoicedCommandHandler(new UpLevel());


+ {

+ registerVoicedCommandHandler(new BankingCmd());

+ }



if (Config.CTF_COMMAND)


registerVoicedCommandHandler(new CTFCmd());



gameserver/handler/voicedcommandhandlers/UpLevel.java    (revision 0)


package com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.handler.voicedcommandhandlers;


import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;


import com.l2jfrozen.Config;

import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.handler.IVoicedCommandHandler;

import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.PcInventory;

import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.L2World;

import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PlayableInstance;

import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance;

import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2ItemInstance;

import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.network.serverpackets.ActionFailed;

import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.network.serverpackets.SocialAction;



 * Edited By Dagger


public class UpLevel implements IVoicedCommandHandler


   private static final String[] VOICED_COMMANDS = {"up"};


   public boolean useVoicedCommand(String command, L2PcInstance activeChar, String target)


   if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("up"))




    if(activeChar.getInventory().getItemByItemId(Config.UPLEVEL_ITEM_ID) != null && activeChar.getInventory().getItemByItemId(Config.HERO_ITEM_ID).getCount() >= Config.UPLEVEL_ITEM_COUNT)


            activeChar.getInventory().destroyItemByItemId("GoldDragon", Config.UPLEVEL_ITEM_ID, Config.UPLEVEL_ITEM_COUNT, activeChar, activeChar.getTarget());

                activeChar.broadcastPacket(new SocialAction(activeChar.getObjectId(), 16));


                activeChar.sendMessage("Felicidades : "+activeChar.getName()+" Ha Ganado LvL 80 usando el comando .up ! .");





                activeChar.sendMessage("No tienes el item necesario para usar este comando !!! ");

                return true;




   return false;



   public String[] getVoicedCommandList()





//No dejar nueva linea




# Npc Protector Message

ProtectorMessage = Hey Tu ! aqui no se puede matar !!!


+#Comando .up ( Enable = True | Disable = False )

+#Subir de nivel 80 al personaje

+EnableUpSystem = True

+UpLevelItemID = 3481

+UpLevelItemCount = 1

//No dejar nueva linea


Edited by osvaldotl2015

mate dad shit will give npe(null pointer exception) :) if the UPLEVEL_ITEM_ID is not enough count in your invetory probably you should make a check for the count in your invetory. and also you need a check for the lvl up,if they are already 80 lvl to not use it again. 


Use following for "item blabla destroyed", inventory update (you miss it) and weight refresh. It also checks on item consumption (atm you can spam your command even with 0 item, I guess).

if (activeChar.destroyItemByItemId(...


Use following for "item blabla destroyed", inventory update (you miss it) and weight refresh. It also checks on item consumption (atm you can spam your command even with 0 item, I guess).

if (activeChar.destroyItemByItemId(...

Ty :) Code reloaded :) 

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