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maybe u should finaly nocited that your server is piece of shit 


Maybe you should finaly notice like everyone else that your attitude and connections to stalonka and his files and the way you open servers and lie to players, sell epics on day 1, admins playing and giving free items for spam in maxcheaters to their friends, fake votes, fake fb comments, fake online and ur towns full of 9999 phantoms where u cant even move is piece of shit, don't worry everyone else already noticed it thats why they will not join ur fail project^^ good luck with 200 players community aka 20,000 online Towns full-Farmzones and Sieges Empty ;[

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3th fail server

all top 10 "l2 server's" is fake.


if you pay 30 euro you can have your server top per week. exmple hopezone


if you dont understand .PM me


i think l2realm is best server . is REAL

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Maybe you should finaly notice like everyone else that your attitude and connections to stalonka and his files and the way you open servers and lie to players, sell epics on day 1, admins playing and giving free items for spam in maxcheaters to their friends, fake votes, fake fb comments, fake online and ur towns full of 9999 phantoms where u cant even move is piece of shit, don't worry everyone else already noticed it thats why they will not join ur fail project^^ good luck with 200 players community aka 20,000 online Towns full-Farmzones and Sieges Empty ;[

atleast at tales siege is  300-400 ppl


at your siege with real 2k online is 2 pt vs 2 pt


your last server had 60 vote per day, and dont talk me that about vote was off or something



all top 10 "l2 server's" is fake.


if you pay 30 euro you can have your server top per week. exmple hopezone


if you dont understand .PM me


i think l2realm is best server . is REAL


this guys must be bella frand (

Edited by AchYlek
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3th fail server


3rd you got that right. We tryed 1 server with Ages pack which was fine but files was not so good, we opened our FIRST x50 (world pack) and it was Awesome just low activity but that can be fixed with the right attitude and advertise ;) and Now this is our 3rd server x10 i think it will be massive. Now leave my topic :D


atleast at tales siege is  300-400 ppl


at your siege with real 2k online is 2 pt vs 2 pt


your last server had 60 vote per day, and dont talk me that about vote was off or something




this guys must be bella frand (


300-400 people at siege AHHAAHAHHAAHAH First of all you never opened server - lets see how much u have on siege.

Second neither stalonka had 400 on siege and never will have because i Intentionaly show everyone the phantoms and how they work, i even invite people over skype and show them real online i had on x50 and checking player by player to show him i dont have phantoms ;) i spawned 1 for him so all can see what is going on and that they were living in lie. Dont worry everyone will eventualy realize your servers is garbage and you dont care for them and only for moneyki :D We actualy do this for the gamers and the love of this game, something u are way too far from realize. Yes eventualy we will make money out of it but at this point we put all we make into advertise and taking it to the next level, a community without fake bots, without lies, without hidden donations and focus on progress.

Go back to your lie now.

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3rd you got that right. We tryed 1 server with Ages pack which was fine but files was not so good, we opened our FIRST x50 (world pack) and it was Awesome just low activity but that can be fixed with the right attitude and advertise ;) and Now this is our 3rd server x10 i think it will be massive. Now leave my topic :D



300-400 people at siege AHHAAHAHHAAHAH First of all you never opened server - lets see how much u have on siege.

Second neither stalonka had 400 on siege and never will have because i Intentionaly show everyone the phantoms and how they work, i even invite people over skype and show them real online i had on x50 and checking player by player to show him i dont have phantoms ;) i spawned 1 for him so all can see what is going on and that they were living in lie. Dont worry everyone will eventualy realize your servers is garbage and you dont care for them and only for moneyki :D We actualy do this for the gamers and the love of this game, something u are way too far from realize. Yes eventualy we will make money out of it but at this point we put all we make into advertise and taking it to the next level, a community without fake bots, without lies, without hidden donations and focus on progress.

Go back to your lie now.

Ok its my last reply to you,


Since u start opening realm server you never had more than 200 ppl, also show me any video from siege? Oh wait there is not even fuck video at youtube from realm server, do u want know? bcs your server full of phantoms


Your promo is made all time from world servers and u just change name and advert it like Realm, why? Wanna know why? Bcs your servers are so fuck dead and noone cant make even for you pvp video from realm server


Go watch any video from stalone server sieges, u will see lot of ppl there (or he is so good and he make phantoms also for siege who was runing and taking castle? Or you are just bad and know how spawn phantoms at town?)


Please bella since your servers are dead, you should accept that thing every server > your servers

Edited by AchYlek
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You lost me at "is my last reply"

Actualy i have lots of fraps from sieges and mass pvps, events from Realm i will do video when i have time :D

Some of us have real life and not sitting in mxc spaming like tards (which is nice thanks for bumps) 

How is your server going u hit 20k ??? :D :D 

Even tho we didnt had stalones budget for advertise our first server with this pack x50 (which is still runing) we hit 700+ real players +their dualboxes = equals to what i really had, yes many people didnt believed it so they joined my skype i shared screen and i showed them it real :D 

My chats was full of spam WTS WTT LFP and many people loved our project - it means even more will join this time bcs they saw the server is great but some of them never actualy met, some clans left new joined and bla bla imagine if i had them all at once. And yes that is called success - something you guys are trying to do for years i make it in few months- imagine after 1 year. So go deep inside your brain and search for wait,... what?

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Did someone say 400 people at siege?


Here you go 400 people at siege.

ya but i talk about 4-5 sides with 100+- on


not about 1 zerg clan 

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Did someone say 400 people at siege?


Here you go 400 people at siege.



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I can't go vs those videos... only thing I can show is L2World since 2005 :)


Theese videos are recently, except x10, that was almost year ago (if im not mistaken), on 9th october we estimate very nice launch, fingers crossed.

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fail server

That's surprisingly strong words from someone who heavily abuses men's primal instincts to rise online numbers.



//Anyway, a soft warning to everyone in this thread, not just Averia - this is not a flame topic. Nobody takes away your opinion, but please try to keep it civilized. Pointless flaming posts don't belong here. Consider yourself warned.

Edited by Herlitz
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