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classic [L2Off] Bnb Core


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Actually it's not about doing his best. It's something he can't control as it's not his fault. The whole situation is upon the attacker to decide.

all the server nowdays have the same problem, he can buy the best protection and  i am sure the attackers  will stop spend so much money to DDos

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You almost broke the world record with the 350 Gbps! Or not?


To be able to measure the ddos capacity you should be able to mitigate it, so stop lying about these sizes as you only distribute fake information that will only help scammers selling "Gigantic ddos protection" after all.


Have fun.

Better consult a book, not google, google doesn't know anything. The biggest DDoS was in 2011 in Asia. The duration was 8 days and it came with 4 successive flood waves. At this attack was implicated 250.000 computers infectated with malware (botnets), many of them situated in China, the attack was to one company.

Between, a good DDoS protection cost like 600 dollars per month...so, these days, you have to invest a lot in a good project.

Few words for the project owner, try to use a good Host which have a DDoS protection included in packet and good luck !

Edited by markwil
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thanks for your support


we want to thank all the community for supporting us until now and for their patience. its really incredible


the specific attacks are really hard to defend

Edited by CoreBnB
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I get ban IP, because I tried to use Andrenaline.

What I can to do to play with my friends?


Ok, give me ban the main account. Why I cannot play with another? I have create 4 accounts but nothing.

I have change my IP, nothing... 


I started today with 12 friends. 

I do a stupid thing, can you do something?

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I get ban IP, because I tried to use Andrenaline.
What I can to do to play with my friends?
Ok, give me ban the main account. Why I cannot play with another? I have create 4 accounts but nothing.
I have change my IP, nothing... 
I started today with 12 friends. 
I do a stupid thing, can you do something?



loled hard xDDD

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usually smartguard is the one that autobans u.


when u try to log with a bot u get 1 hour hwid ban, just w8 and try later.

I had tried 2 hours later and nothing.

Anyway.. I don't tried to log with this programm.

I had it alive on my pc from a another server. (Once I saw it, I stepped enable to try it ,and QQ).


Anyway now it's ok. I can play normally because I speak with admin.

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