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Zone Help Please!



Hello guys. I have MultiFunctionZone mod added, but im having troubles and a very hard time to add the locations =/ What am I suposed to do when I have shit like this: 





Also, this is just 1 of the halls, there are many more, and all of them with places like in the photo. Corners, walls and collumns etc. I tried to make a Cylinder but it seems that it doesnt work with l2jfrozen.. i tried many ways, like creating a location in zone_vertices table and then making in with X Y Z in zones.xml... but cylinder doesnt work. Cuboid works and I dont need to add in navicat.. NPoly works just if I add the zone to navicat.. Cylinder doesnt work at all (would be easy with cylinder fck off =p)


Please, I need some help with this =)

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I don't get your problem, if you're aware about NPoly or Cuboid. Cuboid is the easiest implementation you need 2 nodes, top left and bottom right.

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Well the zone shape is an OCTAGON, so cuboid wont work. And NPoly, like i showed in the photo also is not a good choice cause there is endeless corners ( there is 11 points in that photo to use /loc and thats just a tiny line) =/ I still didnt figured out how to work it out. Now add to that, that is many corners there is a collum, so i cant get the corner location where the 2 nodes should meet @_@ im going crazy.


there is not a single Cylinder zone in L2. at least not in zone.xml


Enlighten me please =)

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I got what u mean.. but the thing is, its a VERY big area with like 10 corners like that at least. So if i make 2 cuboids like that in the photo, 1 beside the other, the sides will "touch" and the pvp zone will bug out, cause if a line cross or touch another all place gets bugged. 

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this is the place I need @_@ As u can see, the main zone is an octagon, so cuboid doesnt work there.





4 rooms+halls+main octagon.


why cylinder doesnt work? I could use a big ass radius to encompass all place, no?

EDIT NOTE: The 4 rooms are in zone.xml as boss zone, so its easy. all the halls and main octagon arent.

Edited by tiguz
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