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Community became like this after this long road ...If you wanna keep whole community gathered in one place you will certainly not because they wont like your food. Tastes changed . 


It was just my opinion ,  i ve seen your effort these couple of months ,  i wish you the very best ! 

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Anyway, i will think about Gift of queen & Seraphim , will see what community wants. But i'm almost convinced it's something that EU Wants & RU is against

Edited by 4Gamers
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Actually , EU community has been faded away and many of constant parties-clans have lost some of their members which were filling roles.

Thats why not many ppl are willing to fulfill  roles such as buffers in some new-just for now-cps. 


An l2 player is now playing for his own fun , get some sieges , farm a little bit , pvp and some oly. Many people are saying that they want a year-project but no one is actually about to play for that long only because hard-core gaming is faded away with these constant parties-clans. I am taking myself into consideration. I have no motives to play for 1 year , without my past 6 years l2 team , so i seek for some rapid fun and thats what it stays , in memories , in feelings.


Thats a successful 2015 server in my opinion .

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You say that servers for eu players want but ru are against . this server was going to be for eu as i remember . Cant see the efect this will have if u add this buffs : Cat pony dwarf and chant of protection . also why not making them 2 hours i dont understand . I was hoping that this server will listen to people but guess not . Gl with server

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You say that servers for eu players want but ru are against . this server was going to be for eu as i remember . Cant see the efect this will have if u add this buffs : Cat pony dwarf and chant of protection . also why not making them 2 hours i dont understand . I was hoping that this server will listen to people but guess not . Gl with server

It's Very understandable, we cant build server that is enjoyable for all players, we will have people who want a little hardcore, balance, easy enchant, full buffs in alt b but eventually we will decide what we build here ( No offence ). For us it's more important to build an balanced & stable classes.



Reason we decided to make enchanting off like is, each +++ that is added on item is worth, even +1, we increased instance raid strenght so random players could not 1 full party box it, So there would be an importance to kill those raids

Edited by 4Gamers
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what u are saying actually is that u dont give a fuk about players who will join and are not in a zerg . What u do is give even more advantage to zerg and cps . Thought u were a flexible gm making a poll on ur forum and asking others what they think . Looks like u make the server features for urself and not for the players . Also boosting instances so that zerg will always succed. i smell 4 pt needed for easy freya and tezza . Gl

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- You have to register on Goddard Castle your self ( OBT ) - OBT is opened right now
- Siege will take place on 31 may 16:00 (GMT +3)
- Siege will take place for 2 hours
- At the beginning Castle will be held by administrator clan ,it's important to cast the throne room, after that defend the castle till the end, and then we will reward the clan.
Maximum ammount of clan members is 70. To make sure this ammount wont be cheated, we create clan member limit for clans. Enchant limit of items: 8/8/8 ( On OBT we will create ready items +8/+8/+8 in OBT SHOP ).
Pricepool: 5000 Ruble or 100$. ( Mostly we make siege to test the game, but we already have 11 big clans coming, so we decided to give reward to clan we manages to win this )
Will be sent on Webmoney/Qiwi/PayPal.

You Have time to prepare, some big russian clans are coming ( for siege we will limit the access server )
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I'll have to take back all i said about this server. After getting a BAN on forums for saying what everybody can see... Beta test is a BOT festival with at least 50% of the online players are adrenaline users testing their "Skills". If u guys cant take an opinion on a Beta test and Ban ppl for "Spam" as u called it, then im sorry to say it, but its just another "Tales" project trying to make benefits "criticizing" and claming not to be something that if u take a closer look, u are... If u guys cant take the truth and start banning everybody that says the obvious for everybody else to know, then u should do something about it and start banning those who use 3rd party programs, not those who stand against it. Still the best luck for u guys and ur "project".

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these buffs are actually creating OP classes, same as enchanting , we kept enchant rate off like, this is used in many successful project, dont forget we will have offline buffers where u can buy cat /seraphim buffs ( but they wont last as ALT B buffs ), its not about online, its about balance. And what do you mean by "U started to make a server and now u come changing this stuff"? personally, i think you've played too much in tales/redemption/enclave/exilium/Seal/L2 ES like servers and seemsed you enjoy the wipes every 1 and half months. We're creating probably most balanced ENG translated server out here, with working -1 macros and soulshot lags and Gladis are not owning on theese servers! We dont make donations like Tales that give out +10 gears to gain money within 30 days then wipe again, this project is ment to last for years, to enjoy real L2.


That statement is a laugh. And ill explain why. In ur server not onli Gladis own, they give 5k damage with their AOE skills with Chant of Protection and Counter Critical on, while daggers give 2k backstabs on robes... Does that sound balanced? One of the "most" Balanced servers in EU? U sure about that? "Real l2"? I think u just never played on a balanced server before actually, this server files are prolly one of the worst files i've seen for a long time as far as classes go and how their skills work... U guys are making a lot of mistake trying to promote ur server while "criticizing" tales and putting them as a "worst thing ever". U should start doing ur work properlly and actually do something, cause for now u talk a lot of sh1t against the others, but so far u did nothing thats worth mentioning. We'll see what kind of community ur server will have, im expecting 100 Russians with 99 adrenalines and a buffer.

Edited by Shuryken
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I'll have to take back all i said about this server. After getting a BAN on forums for saying what everybody can see... Beta test is a BOT festival with at least 50% of the online players are adrenaline users testing their "Skills". If u guys cant take an opinion on a Beta test and Ban ppl for "Spam" as u called it, then im sorry to say it, but its just another "Tales" project trying to make benefits "criticizing" and claming not to be something that if u take a closer look, u are... If u guys cant take the truth and start banning everybody that says the obvious for everybody else to know, then u should do something about it and start banning those who use 3rd party programs, not those who stand against it. Still the best luck for u guys and ur "project".



Normal Chat level limit 20.
Trade chat level limit 40.
Shout chat level limit 65.
Ban for Trading adena, items or accounts for real life currencies or for other servers.
All who goes against the rules , will be given ban right away, without any warnings, ban is HWID, and all accounts will be blocked. For Those who got banned for clicker, 3rd party software, 300 Dorn coins for 1st time after that increases ammount, With each unban we delete adena from inventory.




Bot Report works --> Player suspects a bot --> .bot or .report command --> person recives captcha + Bot Hunters will recive message --> IF person is an bot --> Checks if previous jails --> IF Not --> Jail 1st time --> IF YES --> BAN ( depends on ammount jailed previous times ) TUNNELING works everywhere.


Clickers ,Adrenaline users --> 1 of 2 options:


1. Toggle Potions

2. Delay Potions



Reason why right now its hard to obtain good anti bot, latest anti bot that works , is working with packets, if we will use it its easy to shut down the server.other than that some antibots dont work on windows 10 & most 99% servers can be by passed with tunneling bot via 2 PC's or Virtual PC ( bot ) and main PC for gaming!




Bot Hunters* = Hired 24/7 people who will scan bot reports, their job is to fraps each person they jail ( bugs dont work to leave jail )

Edited by 4Gamers
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That statement is a laugh. And ill explain why. In ur server not onli Gladis own, they give 5k damage with their AOE skills with Chant of Protection and Counter Critical on, while daggers give 2k backstabs on robes... Does that sound balanced? One of the "most" Balanced servers in EU? U sure about that? "Real l2"? I think u just never played on a balanced server before actually, this server files are prolly one of the worst files i've seen for a long time as far as classes go and how their skills work... U guys are making a lot of mistake trying to promote ur server while "criticizing" tales and putting them as a "worst thing ever". U should start doing ur work properlly and actually do something, cause for now u talk a lot of sh1t against the others, but so far u did nothing thats worth mentioning. We'll see what kind of community ur server will have, im expecting 100 Russians with 99 adrenalines and a buffer.


Seemsed you got pissed off and decided to flame.

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Seemsed you got pissed off and decided to flame.

Seems ur blind and decided to either ignore the obvious or just be stupid. There's no kind of flame. Stating the obvious. U can either look the other way or do something about it. Did u even take ur time to see whats going on with the classes ingame? Because sure doesnt look like it...




Normal Chat level limit 20.
Trade chat level limit 40.
Shout chat level limit 65.
Ban for Trading adena, items or accounts for real life currencies or for other servers.
All who goes against the rules , will be given ban right away, without any warnings, ban is HWID, and all accounts will be blocked. For Those who got banned for clicker, 3rd party software, 300 Dorn coins for 1st time after that increases ammount, With each unban we delete adena from inventory.




Bot Report works --> Player suspects a bot --> .bot or .report command --> person recives captcha + Bot Hunters will recive message --> IF person is an bot --> Checks if previous jails --> IF Not --> Jail 1st time --> IF YES --> BAN ( depends on ammount jailed previous times ) TUNNELING works everywhere.


Clickers ,Adrenaline users --> 1 of 2 options:


1. Toggle Potions
2. Delay Potions


Reason why right now its hard to obtain good anti bot, latest anti bot that works , is working with packets, if we will use it its easy to shut down the server.other than that some antibots dont work on windows 10 & most 99% servers can be by passed with tunneling bot via 2 PC's or Virtual PC ( bot ) and main PC for gaming!




Bot Hunters* = Hired 24/7 people who will scan bot reports, their job is to fraps each person they jail ( bugs dont work to leave jail )

I cant see where ur getting at with that ridiculous post... What does that have to do with me? Was I boting? Was that post directed to the fact that i got a Ban on forums for stating that server is filled with them? I just cant understand this post srsly...
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Seems ur blind and decided to either ignore the obvious or just be stupid. There's no kind of flame. Stating the obvious. U can either look the other way or do something about it. Did u even take ur time to see whats going on with the classes ingame? Because sure doesnt look like it...


Sincerelly i wish you best of luck

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