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high five [L2J]Lineage2 Dragon


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Hello nik,

why not use your own account ? :D


1% from all servers use base l2j-server, 99% russian sources, good logic like always :)


Kam3ran became developer ?


 legendkay - nik's dog.

Dev.Death - shared account. Nik, kam3ran, and who's not.

czadfad - bot account prolly kam3ran

redtube - kam3ran.

ezariel - kam3ran

it's so obvious....


Pretend l2j-server to be the most stable/implemented engine makes you retarded or crazy... pick one by yourself.



Anyway gl with the project.. :)

First I'm not  Nik.

Second I did not say that it is not l2j but it is a private l2j which is maintained.

Third as kam3ran working on this project what who is ?


And this is wrong ;) many wrong

 legendkay - nik's dog - I DONT NOW MAYBE

Dev.Death - shared account. Nik, kam3ran, and who's not. - Used from kam3ran and Death

czadfad - bot account prolly kam3ran - If you see his front post. I when I boasted Stalon topics or Mouse?

redtube - kam3ran. - I do not know who he is. But I hope to look at the subject you to answer.

ezariel - kam3ran - This is Fotis from Greece.Yes we won it on our side

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Can you haters and owned by jealousy people get off this topic. These people put their own money and time to create a free to play server with features that are not implemented in any other mid rate server. Give it some time and hope for the best.. Encourage them to make a stable server for all of us to play instead of hating them in every single post. Like PLEASE, what happened to lineage 2 community?

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Kama3a/l0l3d, even people on too many spliffs are less paranoid than you are.


Pack is running on the old L2World sources. Ru pack is shit, works on magic. Enough said.

All servers use L2J as base in one way or another. Except L2OFF. If you keep telling me this sentence is wrong, you are welcome to join the pool of ignorant morons.

We are not pretending L2J is the best, we know its the best, and I also know that you hate L2J for whatever reasons. Feels so good to annoy you like that.


P.S: We are too busy working on server than making multiple accounts to spam on this forum. Please, accept every post here as of a different person, because it is. You are accusing people for being kam3ran or whatever when their speaking skills and english level is utterly different? You even lack critical thinking.

Edited by Nik
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Ill be called Niks dog if i agree with him now?? Probably. But who cares? Hes right! L2j is the best.. And just a reminder, Nik is if not the best, one of the best Devs out there.. So if u dont have faith in l2 in general , have faith to this team.

Edited by Anhur
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It's normal that he is hating, because l2-dragon is a new competitor in the l2j scene and hes afraid of it because of the team l2-dragon has. Nothing more to say, i've been on the beta since start and i like it like many other people does.

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Here are some of the developers who work on this project.
You will see Devs from many years expirance from old team in L2jserver.com - And this is their new project which is quite strictly guarded.. I think you l0l3d know them very well.
3 years ago took their finished works. When taught with what program be opened Java file.

Yes i`m kam3ran now.

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And apparently.. L2tales failed in two weeks.. Fake counter from 18k dropped to 3k ppl online.. I guess even the 3k is fake.. Most of you lads never played in a populated server so you easily get fooled. Everyone is moving to l2dragon. Just admit it.

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Here are some of the developers who work on this project.

You will see Devs from many years expirance from old team in L2jserver.com - And this is their new project which is quite strictly guarded.. I think you l0l3d know them very well.

3 years ago took their finished works. When taught with what program be opened Java file.


Yes i`m kam3ran now.








//just kidding )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

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For me its important what the purpose is for opening a new server. Stalone opens servers and hes purpose is to make allot of money of players. It is normal to accept donations so the server keeps running, but i've played hes server and i saw what you could get from a donation and its pure money making. I still can't understand why people join hes server, donate allot, he opens new server, you join again and donate again. Open your eyes.


Stalone would even close a good running server (populated) and re-open the same server (only different name) just to take more cash from players.

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Nik is at rest. He worked on Ehteria server that will present in a few months-a. And maybe will upgrade this server to Etheria if people want it.









//just kidding )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))



AychYlek  are you not my friend anymore? :(


Edited by Dev.Death
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Nik is at rest. He worked on Ehteria server that will present in a few months-a. And maybe will upgrade this server to Etheria if people want it.




AychYlek  are you not my friend anymore? :(


u wanted be friend, me no :(

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