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L2Jxtend **customs Made Simple**

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Added support for the Android Application L2jXtend OnTheGo (Gonna be released by tomorrow morning as technical alpha)

Added support for Hopzone

Added Damage multiplier for classes and mobs.



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hi, could add for example, if dwarf  & have spoil activated, do a extra (damage * NewExtraMultiplier )? or no sense

And can set if feature work on party or alone for 



Added Damage multiplier for classes and mobs
Edited by zhort
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Here is a good idea. No idea if its doable or not.


Make all debuffs configurable in % chance all in one config. So for example. All classes simple debuffs = configurable %. Advanced debuffs like curse of abyss = configurable %


An item that will open up the browser and automatically go on the voting site for you ( simple to do )


Give monsters day/night configurable boosters in damage, health, skill set and so on.


By the way keep up the project, I will support it as long as it stays free for everyone!

Edited by Extreamer
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Here is a good idea. No idea if its doable or not.


Make all debuffs configurable in % chance all in one config. So for example. All classes simple debuffs = configurable %. Advanced debuffs like curse of abyss = configurable %


An item that will open up the browser and automatically go on the voting site for you ( simple to do )


Give monsters day/night configurable boosters in damage, health, skill set and so on.


By the way keep up the project, I will support it as long as it stays free for everyone!

good ideas!Also every new rev dont put previous codes too just the new that we have to add

Edited by aris96
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Full REWARD = 100 adena;

Attacker1(10k  DMG)+Attacker2(3k DMG) = 13k DMG

LastHit - Killer; Killer got >60% of rewards

If killer Attacker1: Attacker1 take ~ 75 adena, attacker2 ~25 adena, (if dmg from Attacker2 3-4-5k, he got 30-35-40 adena)

If attackers more then 2, separate second reward(40%) for all.

Support got reward for heal\debufs etc. 


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Some of you have in mind that these guys are not your personal developers. If you want to suggest something do it, if they want to do it they will, else you have to find another way to get the mod/addon you want.


Also have in mind that its not your servers wanna-have topic here, ask serious things that will fit most of the users needs (ask generic oriented not hardcore specific things such as config for x2 hpregen on bounty hunter or like zhort said if spoil is activated to make more damage). If your server has problem with dwarf classes balance its not a free share mods work to fix it. For very special and specific custom modifications you have to try on your own to make it, maybe that way you will learn something more too...


Dont wait to have it all in configs, it cant be done. You have to experiment and fuck up with skills, items, class stats and more things to find out some things and make your server as you want it.


I dont want to pretend the smart guy here, I never said that I know lot things about l2j developing, but when I want something (especialy something unique and sooo specific) I try to find it out my self.. I have destroyed lot times my sources and started back again from 0, but this 0,001% knowledge I have now its because of it.


Experiment with source and server files guys, try and get your hands dirty, cause if you dont you will always ask from others and you will never be able to fix a simple error in your sources.

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Some of you have in mind that these guys are not your personal developers. If you want to suggest something do it, if they want to do it they will, else you have to find another way to get the mod/addon you want.


Also have in mind that its not your servers wanna-have topic here, ask serious things that will fit most of the users needs (ask generic oriented not hardcore specific things such as config for x2 hpregen on bounty hunter or like zhort said if spoil is activated to make more damage). If your server has problem with dwarf classes balance its not a free share mods work to fix it. For very special and specific custom modifications you have to try on your own to make it, maybe that way you will learn something more too...


Dont wait to have it all in configs, it cant be done. You have to experiment and fuck up with skills, items, class stats and more things to find out some things and make your server as you want it.


I dont want to pretend the smart guy here, I never said that I know lot things about l2j developing, but when I want something (especialy something unique and sooo specific) I try to find it out my self.. I have destroyed lot times my sources and started back again from 0, but this 0,001% knowledge I have now its because of it.


Experiment with source and server files guys, try and get your hands dirty, cause if you dont you will always ask from others and you will never be able to fix a simple error in your sources.

Bro I havent any project/server, then relax, it was a suggestion, then gl with this xtend


I was talking like a player.  :-beep- yeah:

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I was not talking for you bro, I just mentioned your post as an example. I am just mad with kids which wanna make servers and dont want to spent a single moment to try fix codes/addopt mods from other packs etc and waiting EVERYTHING from third-party people. The more time you spent for your server before live and the more you got involved of setting it up, the more chances it has to succeed and stay alive for a long time...

If download/checkout source > add 1-2-3 mods > add custom gmshop/gk/guards/etc > add 2342934 custom armors and items > compile > set conf and next day live it has 101% chance to have <10 ppl online after 12 hours.


anyway lets dont go offtopic anymore...

Edited by DaFFyNaSH
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Well guys...I wish good luck to you both in this project/implementation,
I bet that myself and a lot of others are interested in this work.


Is good to see new implementations here from good developers in my opinion

As request/suggestion, you could post a "youtube video" of how to use this file/config


Eclipse with Acis > Jar added > Config Modification > End


I'm just asking this because i didn't understand very well yet how it should work.

I liked the app version ;) good job!

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Just some words. Project is not dead. I was just taking a break from the actual features and focused a bit on the Android app but tomorrow we gonna have some of your requested features committed.

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