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L2 Hopzone Is Dead?

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really is no more good L2 ranking sites atm
L2Hopzone - support around 0% - top visitors
L2Topzone - support 99% - medium visitors
L2Brazil - support (never needed) - low visitors
GS200 - Suport 0 - Death but still visitors coming from there lol
L2Network - free ads service for everyone :) lol visitors low
TopServer200 - support (never needed) - medium visitors

Xtremetop - was top ranking site now is dead
Top100arena - none info - none info

So lets talk about L2Hopzone
Years ago you must wait 2 days max for approve now you can wait even 10 day to get approve
about approve i dont think is matter what server you have crap or good ... everyone have his chance to grow up

Years ago servers on 1st page top50 server had 100+ players now you can see there servers with 20ppl on
Its look like many ppl not play L2 anymore and they move to LOL , AION and other similar games
I haven`t play L2 around 2-3 years before i start again but now i can see same server are reopen wiped every 2 month

Edited by Bobi
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really is no more good L2 ranking sites atm

L2Hopzone - support around 0% - top visitors

L2Topzone - support 99% - medium visitors

L2Brazil - support (never needed) - low visitors

GS200 - Suport 0 - Death but still visitors coming from there lol

L2Network - free ads service for everyone :) lol visitors low

TopServer200 - support (never needed) - medium visitors

Xtremetop - was top ranking site now is dead

Top100arena - none info - none info


Do you know how many visitors might http://la2.mmotop.ru/have comparing to the other topsites?

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Do you know how many visitors might http://la2.mmotop.ru/have comparing to the other topsites?

no idie but if you look VK likes ( i hope they are real ) they are more than hopzone FB likes


Edited by Bobi
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