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L2 Adrenaline Scripts.

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Hello adr.bot is it possible to find a script to reply on party with a certain phrase only once when a certain player comes to the party?

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12 hours ago, JaharakaL said:

Hello adr.bot is it possible to find a script to reply on party with a certain phrase only once when a certain player comes to the party?

if good understand, with this u can see when someone join to party

procedure OnAction(Action: TL2Action; P1, P2: Pointer);
  if action = laCharJoin then
    // code



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2 hours ago, adr.bot said:

if good understand, with this u can see when someone join to party

procedure OnAction(Action: TL2Action; P1, P2: Pointer);
  if action = laCharJoin then
    // code



Can i set multiple names?

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13 minutes ago, JaharakaL said:

What i wanted is to reply on party when a "X" player joins the party

hmm i not sure, that seems just detecting when someone join to party, maybe i missing something, for now i dont have solution for that

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  • 2 weeks later...

adr.bot Can you help me? I'm working on a script that exchange in trade all items. Adrenaline API doesn't have this kind of thing. Can you create a script that works? Thanks.

Edited by Fiofo
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12 hours ago, Fiofo said:

adr.bot Can you help me? I'm working on a script that exchange in trade all items. Adrenaline API doesn't have this kind of thing. Can you create a script that works? Thanks.

you should check rawr.pro there is examples how create missing functions with packets, by krickt

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36 minutes ago, khada321 said:

hello adr.bot you can do the script for the quest new potion development 1/3 plz :c 

No i cant

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16 minutes ago, L2Trade123 said:

@adr.bot any idea how to adjust bypasses? I have win10 and recording doesn't work in adrenaline in my case

if u mean for alt b, you can use "engine.cbtext"

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