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L2JSunrise Customized L2JServer Server Files 

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You should remove the free version, it doesn't do you any good. It's just an outdated L2J H5 version with tons of shits which have been fixed for long. (My God, so many jython quests, wtf)

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Its shared everywhere, also it may be outdated as hell (like 300  revs or more) , but someone may want to practise , or test some things on this pack. ( dunno npc's etc )

People asked me a lot of times in the past , about a free version. Here it is!


One more upgraded user can be counted on the list! 

Also the first update rev of l2jsunrise is commited! Let me remind to everyone that all known and reported bugs of l2jreunion are gone!


More to come, we still announced the 60% of our work .



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Its shared everywhere, also it may be outdated as hell (like 300  revs or more) , but someone may want to practise , or test some things on this pack. ( dunno npc's etc )

People asked me a lot of times in the past , about a free version. Here it is!


One more upgraded user can be counted on the list! 

Also the first update rev of l2jsunrise is commited! Let me remind to everyone that all known and reported bugs of l2jreunion are gone!


More to come, we still announced the 60% of our work .




How can you expect people to buy it if your free version people might download, not to practice, but to check the pack, is actually worse than L2J last rev ? :|

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Any retailer have criticism from potential customer.


I thought mine was a constructive one, seems like I was wrong.


That said, where can we test your pack ? I wanna check for myself a couple of features, such as Reworked formula 99% retail like, and anything from your list ending by "retail like"

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Yes but you didnt even test it, how you have opinion! hmmm

Oh , yes you talking about the 300 rev before pack which on your own you said is outdated! 

Also yes, you are free to post your opinion, but not to judge people who bought it or will buy it in the future.

Finally i dont really care, about your opinion really. I dont even know you :D

Edited by `NeverMore
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this pack is total shit, i don't recommand you to buy it! my friend once purchased this 4-5 months ago and it was much worse than l2j... and man... nothing is worse than l2j :\

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Second commit is almost ready!

2 upgraded users joined our community yesterday :)

We are working on some fresh, unigue things lately, we will announce everything when they are ready.


Thanks to everyone who supporting this project, we really appreciate it ...



L2jSunrise Team

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10 SVN upgraded users and 2 compiled one.

our community is growing really fast. to be honest more than we could thought. 1 week after project announced and so many users!

we've made a lot of commits and re-works & 2 minor bugs already fixed. 

thanks to everyone who supporting this project , donating, reporting etc...


test server is available anytime, for more information please check -> http://www.l2jsunrise.com/

Edited by `NeverMore
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