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I've got a custom boss engine and whenever boss dies it uses this method:

    public void delete()
        if (_lastSpawn == null)
        SpawnTable.getInstance().deleteSpawn(_lastSpawn, false);
        _lastSpawn = null;
        setRespawnTime((System.currentTimeMillis()/1000)+((getMinutes()*60) + (randInt(0, (int)getDelay()*60))));
        updateDbResp(getNpcId(), getRespawnTime()+(System.currentTimeMillis()/1000) , getStatus());
        ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(new Runnable()
            public void run()
        }, getRespawnTime()*1000);
        Announcements.announceToAll("Mighty Boss "+getName()+" has been killed!");

but it doesn't drop anything,what do I have to change so it starts dropping items?I've watched other instances,but it requires instance and I just want to drop items on the ground and everyone can pick them up.

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if you do edit the mob from server?

add there the items you want to drop.

sorry if i'm wrong.. i can't understand very good the english.

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Uhm..I am sorry I didn't understand you completely,but this is my npc file:

	<npc id="50017" idTemplate="25437" name="Jaryl" title="">
		<set name="level" val="80"/>
		<set name="radius" val="24"/>
		<set name="height" val="52"/>
		<set name="rHand" val="145"/>
		<set name="lHand" val="0"/>
		<set name="type" val="L2Monster"/>
		<set name="exp" val="2179535"/>
		<set name="sp" val="140740"/>
		<set name="hp" val="96596"/>
		<set name="mp" val="300.8"/>
		<set name="hpRegen" val="208"/>
		<set name="mpRegen" val="2.1"/>
		<set name="pAtk" val="505"/>
		<set name="pDef" val="1252"/>
		<set name="mAtk" val="8"/>
		<set name="mDef" val="529"/>
		<set name="crit" val="4"/>
		<set name="atkSpd" val="383"/>
		<set name="str" val="60"/>
		<set name="int" val="76"/>
		<set name="dex" val="73"/>
		<set name="wit" val="70"/>
		<set name="con" val="57"/>
		<set name="men" val="80"/>
		<set name="corpseTime" val="300"/>
		<set name="walkSpd" val="80"/>
		<set name="runSpd" val="230"/>
		<set name="dropHerbGroup" val="0"/>
		<set name="attackRange" val="40"/>
		<ai type="default" ssCount="0" ssRate="0" spsCount="0" spsRate="0" aggro="0" canMove="true" seedable="false"/>
			<category id="1"><drop itemid="6661" min="1" max="1" chance="300000"/></category>
			<category id="2"><drop itemid="3485" min="40" max="40" chance="1000000"/></category>
			<category id="3"><drop itemid="3485" min="40" max="40" chance="1000000"/></category>
			<category id="4"><drop itemid="3485" min="40" max="40" chance="1000000"/></category>
			<category id="5"><drop itemid="3485" min="40" max="40" chance="1000000"/></category>
			<category id="6"><drop itemid="3485" min="40" max="40" chance="1000000"/></category>
			<category id="7"><drop itemid="6577" min="1" max="1" chance="1000000"/></category>
			<category id="7"><drop itemid="6578" min="1" max="1" chance="1000000"/></category>			
			<category id="8"><drop itemid="6577" min="1" max="1" chance="1000000"/></category>
			<category id="8"><drop itemid="6578" min="1" max="1" chance="1000000"/></category>
			<category id="9"><drop itemid="8762" min="1" max="1" chance="1000000"/></category>
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Oh,yeah when I click on droplist it shows all the items.
I believe that droplist show drops that are in npc's xml and drops are managed on java side.
I think the method is called rewardPlayer() or calculateReward() or something like that,but it requires player instance,but I just want items to drop on the ground.

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it is not necessary to make everything so difficult..

If you want to drop items when a player kill this mob/boss, then edit the droplist from the game and change the chances. Make it to drop every time when mob die.

from there you can change the items that you want to dropped.

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I believe I have done what you are telling me. ^_^
I included a photo of my droplist: http://imgur.com/bFvNWkn
Could it have to do anything with scripts?Because most of the scripts are disabled.
I am using this engine(a bit modified): http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/180781-easy-boss-engine/

Edited by StealthyS4m
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Does your custom rb are considered as L2Attackable ? Do your custom boss "dies", and simply not dissapear ? The drop part is lead by L2Attackable, notably doDie(L2Character killer) and calculateRewards(L2Character lastAttacker) methods, which call doItemDrop(L2Character mainDamageDealer).


Basically said, your system shouldn't care about despawning, delete or kill the npc if it's a L2Attackable, as all is already handled.

Edited by Tryskell
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Yeah,I was thinking the same,but my custom bosses are set as L2Monsters:

<set name="type" val="L2Monster"/>

this is the L2MonsterInstance.java doDie() method:

	public boolean doDie(L2Character killer)
        if (isCustomBoss())
		if (!super.doDie(killer))
			return false;
		if (_master != null)
			_master.getMinionList().onMinionDie(this, _master.getSpawn().getRespawnDelay() / 2);
		return true;

and CustomBoss delete() method:

    public void delete()
        if (_lastSpawn == null)
        SpawnTable.getInstance().deleteSpawn(_lastSpawn, false);
        _lastSpawn = null;
        setRespawnTime((System.currentTimeMillis()/1000)+((getMinutes()*60) + (randInt(0, (int)getDelay()*60))));
        updateDbResp(getNpcId(), getRespawnTime()+(System.currentTimeMillis()/1000) , getStatus());
        ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(new Runnable()
            public void run()
        }, getRespawnTime()*1000);
        Announcements.announceToAll("Mighty Boss "+getName()+" has been killed!");
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What can I tell you guys?That proggramming is weird as fuck,you would never guess when I did think of solution.

When I was chopping down some trees in forest. ^_^
Just changed L2MonsterInstance method like this:

    public boolean doDie(L2Character killer)
if (isCustomBoss())
        if (!super.doDie(killer))
            return false;
        if (_master != null)
            _master.getMinionList().onMinionDie(this, _master.getSpawn().getRespawnDelay() / 2);
        return true;

But still ,Tryskell, I need your explanation how this shit works.
This is L2Character doDie method,where all shit is happening:

	public boolean doDie(L2Character killer)
		// killing is only possible one time
		synchronized (this)
			if (isDead())
				return false;
			// now reset currentHp to zero
		// Set target to null and cancel Attack or Cast
		// Stop movement
		// Stop Regeneration task, and removes all current effects
		// Send the Server->Client packet StatusUpdate with current HP and MP to all other L2PcInstance to inform
		// Notify L2Character AI
		if (hasAI())
			getAI().notifyEvent(CtrlEvent.EVT_DEAD, null);
		if (getWorldRegion() != null)
		return true;

and this is Mister who does everything method calculator:

	protected void calculateRewards(L2Character killer)

so how?
Is L2Character method calculateRewards is only like abstract method and L2MonsterInstance is using the first calculateRewards() it finds in its path,so in this example it uses CalculateRewards of L2Attackable?
I am so sorry for asking so much questions,but I want to understand everything better.

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