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Protection : Hyperfilter fully protected , Voxility DDOS guard (we have learned from previous mistake to protect fully our network)

Online expected : over 10k at start .


thats sad, whats more sad, i wasted 10 euro, and 24 hours.


Continue troll this topic and your stupid server wont be online more than few minutes.

now i should be sad?!??!? 


:gusta:  :gusta:  :gusta:  :gusta:  :gusta:


Patch: link
Updater: link
Client (zip archive): link
RU players files :

Скачать и установить http://l2.is/files/hf/patch/highfive_patch_rus.zip
Патчили http://l2.is/files/hf/updater/L2.is(HighFive)RusUpdater.exe Апдейтер

Posted (edited)

max 500 online

In giran maybe :)

It seems these days each server owner send his idiots to spam other servers topics

Edited by djvogans

Few weeks ago we got this comment from a player and we like to share it with you :


why join Arion?
few reasons stated below about the gameplay:
- H5 is fluent chronicle, with many different achievements to reach when player plays in a clan or at least cp
- much more things to do than in other chronicles - i agree the farm is extremely easy, but at least mid-to-end game is reachable faster, therefore true fun on mass events like sieges, tw's can happen
- well class balance:
a) unlike interlude, where 50% of population are hawkeyes who play with /attack on F1 and cp potion on F2, bragging they are best pvpers in the world, 45% are necros and 5% is the rest of the classes, every class in h5 has its potential and is strong in certain situations and weaker in other
b) balanced kamaels - their skills were balanced (resistable steal, soul damage boost, few curses land rate has been improved) and they provide better gameplay in hi5
c) many new skills comparing to old chronicles - usable in cetrain tactical situations, giving advantages for few classes (ss for daggers, top dmg skills for archers, shields for mages etc)
d) there is no "useless" class that will be skipped - every single one has its potential that is unleashed when playing in group, noone will be rejected because he/she is playing "a weaker" class
- more profits for making big clans - only top, well-organised clans can make hardest things on h5, making big clan = making big community groups = many players = much fun

why h5 at dex?

- the past 3 years staff learned much, they are aware of all types of problems that can happen - because dex dealt with everything possible, even the worst scenarios - and they are well prepared for any problems comming to solve them fast and in a reliable way
- when you search for a standard hi5 server, you won't find even one (except corrupted to the bones rpg network) without customs, without mana potions, with decent low rate, and without donations like 10 euro for vorpal set, and another 10 to make it +6. many players are searching for that type of normal balanced server, where they can play with peaceful mind that they wont fight with cardi that has +12 hurricane, or ES with shield block...
- despite many problems in the past, many emo-rage-quits, they still have big, supportive community of players willing to join when server will come live
- fully working things in game - not unstable, bugged and shitty l2j, l2dc, l2reunion etc modded files, where dagger does front stabs for 15k or archmage can hit well geared tank on ud for 20k
- in the last two weeks around ten different servers on h5 were opened, in the moment of their start they had... max 100-200 players. you will not experience anything like this on dex network
- the assurance of no wipe after 2 months - like 90% of servers do - but stable, long gameplay

If you search new srv each few days ..no comment :) at least search not java servers /:)

who care if its off or java, we care where is more players 

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