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interlude [L2J] L2Euphoria


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Server shouldn't even start guys,i already told it before its opened.Waste of time,how can expect people to a server that had null total advertise?

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Caparso, you did a great job with the server. I have followed your development and contributions to aCis project and in my opinion you're one of the only few "good old hardcore l2j guys" that are left.

Keep working and enjoying what you are doing. There're haters and noobs everywhere.



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however, what i can say? it was a very exhausting year, server's development completely drain me out of my time. we gathered a lot of possitive reviews/opinions, but we're lack of people once again.

we invested a lot of money too, mostly on advertisement. we suffer because we are fair with our community:

  • true online count, not fake like on other servers.
  • we do not force people to log bots (providing also an extra online, but only in numbers) or 'farm' this way.
  • insignificant donation, player may only skip farm process.
  • easy farm.
people logs in and see disappointing online, then leaves with words 'fail server'. people do not trust 'random' projects like mine and is so hard to interest players nowadays.

so disappointing for me too, but we never say die.


Caparso, you did a great job with the server. I have followed your development and contributions to aCis project and in my opinion you're one of the only few "good old hardcore l2j guys" that are left.

Keep working and enjoying what you are doing. There're haters and noobs everywhere.



damn, it's so nice to hear such words :)

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I appreciate everyone that tries really hard these days on trying to launch a L2 Project, but, there are things that have to be considered before going through with it.

And just out of the blue I'll spread my thoughts here with a list of things that as a player I didn't like because it's not something that I expected happening but they did.


  1. Not a perfect start. I was one of the people who had to re-download something to go in the server when I already had downloaded the patch that was on the website.
  2. Got online and saw the same kind of things that I've seen in the past year, x1 adena, same zones, max from easy farming 15, 4 zones kind of server, so to say.
  3. Same zones that have been used more than 500 times in other projects, knowing the interlude has a huge map it was disappointing.
  4. Same kind of mobs to kill, also knowing that interlude has more than 2k types of mobs.
  5. No interest in farming from the start, end game was focused only on RB pvp to get items, like I've seen so much before.
  6. There was no actual entertainment from the staff with its players, no communication.

Now with this said, now a days as a player here's what I'm expecting to stay in a server more than 3 days.


  1. Something different from what I've seen before, including farm zones, mobs, main towns, npcs and so on.
  2. Activity from the staff from the start, grab the players attention with something that will make them stay, spoil them a little.
  3. See what the servers that succeed have in common, grab it and give it a twisted look.

I as a player, I want pvp, that's for sure but I want to do it where I can say, well shiat, this is something different.

As I see, devs go though the process of debugging, web deving, advertising but they just don't take a look at what the community is already tired of.

To be honest it makes me sad that people invest their time and money but don't succeed because they don't analyse the "market" so to say.

The truth now a days is that, if a server cannot get their players attention in the weekend that it launches, it never gets up again because next weekend 2 or 3 with the same style will open, L2 Projects are in a loop now a days when it comes the features and whatsoever. I think people are afraid of jumping the line and then when they see the attention that they got for what they worked so hard for and just ask, well, what happened?

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It was all about the capitals :troll:


To be honest, even though this server was well designed, with all the details taken care of (speaking of common gameplay issues), the gameplay was boring. Besides that, it is never a good idea to use a massive zone as farm zone, because there will be no action. As well as that, why add only 2 bosses and only 1 farm zone, expand the players possibilities, add more. No, the action won't be split, watch l2damage (sh1t server for me, the only thing the admin does is promote donates), it has over 4 farm zones and there is pvp in all of them. Another thing, I know you tried to keep the gameplay 'classic', but trust me, nowadays the PvP zone NEEDS to be auto-flag zone.

Bosses are the main part of gameplay on interlude servers, but you only limited them to 2. I mean, you can't expect players to keep pvping without any objectives for 4 hours until next respawn of boss.

Finally, don't try to limit the npcs. It won't work, as you may have already noticed by yourself. When a new player enters the server and sees the main town with 4 npcs, he is disappointed (even if he shouldn't be). Also, I was searching for about 10-15 minutes before I figured out where dyes were sold. Such things should be obvious to new players as they want to get ready for action as fast as possible.


To sum up, you tried to do something good (classic pvp gameplay) in a bad way. The concept was good, but the way you approached the creation of the gameplay was not the proper one to attact nowadays IL players. Such server would be really UNIQUE back in 2008, but now players' expectations are way over that and they keep increasing. Last but not least, you shouldn't expect the player to explore every aspect of the server's gameplay, you should make things obvious. GL next time from me, I hope I helped you out by pointing stuff from my experience with the Interlude community (coming from an IL player as well).


(But seriously, no capitals look really bad :D)

Edited by An4rchy
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i can accept anything you say guys, even fact server may have less or more disadvantages in your opinion, since we're all different with different taste - alright, but server was empty since beginning. only 50 players on grand opening is so disappointing, but i really appreciate you found time to write this - everything's a lesson :) thanks once again!

Edited by Caparso
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i can accept anything you say guys, even fact server may have less or more disadvantages in your opinion, since we're all different with different taste - alright, but server was empty since beginning. only 50 players on grand opening is so disappointing, but i really appreciate you found time to write this - everything's a lesson :) thanks once again!

It's good to see the good side of this whole thing.^^

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i can accept anything you say guys, even fact server may have less or more disadvantages in your opinion, since we're all different with different taste - alright, but server was empty since beginning. only 50 players on grand opening is so disappointing, but i really appreciate you found time to write this - everything's a lesson :) thanks once again!


That's the sad part of Interlude nowadays, you can either have a server YOU like or you can have a common server with many players.

I don't blame you, it has happened to me before. Check L2Elcardia (the old one).

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unfortunately, we tried to convince players to at least give a try, but server has no enough people since grand opening.

however, we believe server got pretty nice foundations so we can continue working on it :)

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