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high five [L2J] L2Cosmic


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Hi guys,


We're working very hard to deliver the best possible experience to you, the player. Our goals were met with the closed beta so now look forward to the open beta!


Fair server, fair play, no donation edge, beautiful environment, and bad-ass GM staff that are extremely handsome (last one maybe not so much).


Anyways, come check us out. Our full time ads on TOPZONE/TOP200 launch December, huge advertising budget. We will also be advertising in the Russian markets so tell your friends and colleagues about us because it would be an absolute shame if you miss out on this one. If you're cautious, then speak to me personally on Skype or RaidCall. Nowadays, talk is cheap. Let's face it, all servers say the same old shit and promise the same old crap, but let's be realistic and say the for the sake of argument that its 90% bullshit. They all end up the same, broken, empty, and full of greed. So speak to me personally if you're wary, I can answer any of your questions and it would be a pleasure for me to meet you. We care about your play. Why? Because once like you, my team was a CP of players, and it sucked finding a good server.


Now you've found something great. Click our site.




All the best.




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Exams? What are exams? A waste of time! L2 is more important, grind grind  :D


Haha. Jokes aside, GL on the exams mate. Unfortunate your testing period is after the new year. That's generally unheard of in the west, we finish our exams by the holidays (DEC 20ish last day).




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Exams? What are exams? A waste of time! L2 is more important, grind grind  :D


Haha. Jokes aside, GL on the exams mate. Unfortunate your testing period is after the new year. That's generally unheard of in the west, we finish our exams by the holidays (DEC 20ish last day).




My vacation starts in less than a month, I'll be waiting eagerly for the opening.

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I really like your job, and the server's features. Try to advertise it everywhere so it'll be populated! I will play for sure! O0


A majority of our ads come up in December. You'll see a few floating around, however, at MaxCheaters, GTOP100, L2Network, PMFUN, etc. The bigger sites have been paid for and should be up and running by 12/15/2014.


The slots we want for posting ads are currently booked. Those damn L2 servers are clogging up the system. ;)


P.S. Changed the opening post. There's now a little excerpt on my glorious epic speech (as some of our colleagues have now coined it) to you guys. Lemme know what you think. It's more or less my honest feelings towards this great game and how I perceive the current standard of private servers.


P.S.S Lest I forget, rememeber to tell your friends about our server. Our advertising campagin will only take this so far. For this to become what we dream it must be spread by word of mouth. The more people you bring, the better your experience, and the better our service to you. We'll make sure that you never regret it. ;)


P.S.S.S Get this thread bumping. Show me some love. :-*


All the best.




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This is the most serious midrate project i saw in this year

People who spend lot of time to work on it and spend money ,and especially time.


I believe they have no reason to expect money from donations otherwise they wouldnt put so much heart on this project!. This server has obviously heart/effort put in it!



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This is the most serious midrate project i saw in this year

People who spend lot of time to work on it and spend money ,and especially time.


I believe they have no reason to expect money from donations otherwise they wouldnt put so much heart on this project!. This server has obviously heart/effort put in it!




Thank you my friend. We take pride in our work. And I think it shows, as you've noticed. I like that.


I've stated this 1000x, but for those new comers, allow me to give you a quick rundown of our history.


My team are all ex-players, mostly from Bartz. We've gone through the cycle of private/retail servers, including a famous one that was extreme enough to get shut down by that nasty old DMCA takedown. Consider us the old timers that never quite found a good server after Bartz. We suffered through the more recent sloppy servers, not to name any names, and more or less got fed up. And since we are mostly engineers, it was not difficult for us to put together this project. But it was time consuming! Development began in June (follow our facebook as we logged our progress, http://facebook.com/l2cosmic) and was completed late November. And now that L2Cosmic is finished as a whole, the irony is my team will have no longer have the time to play Lineage 2, let alone on our own server. But that's okay. As long as you guys enjoy the server for what it is, then we're happy. L2Cosmic is a place that we would have loved to play on, and this core principle is how we molded its overall structure/design.


I would also like to note that GM corruption often stems from favouritsm towards a specific party, this can be friends and family, but it's mostly nationality nowadays. This means that russian servers are more likely to favour the russians, greeks the greeks, romanians the romanians, and so on. Well, we're Canadian and have no favors to give any players from any nationality. It is also against our policy to give handouts. I've made many friends over my L2 career, and all of them know my word is important to me, so when I say there will be no GM corruption, you can bet on it. We're accustomed to a true international setting, whereas other servers cannot say the same. And our staff is also fluent in English/Porteguese for support purposes.


Players may, however, earn gifts by helping us advertise or getting involved with our cause in the form of a donation care package at our expense, which has no impact on the overall balance of the server. These packages come in the form of cosmic coins only, so those that are eager to help us will likely not have to donate a single dime to use our donation shop. You can find more information on what you can buy with cosmic coins on our website/faq. This is our way of giving back to those that care about what happens to us.


So, make the right choice over the holidays.


Think about my words.


Tell your friends and clan leaders.


And let's build something strong, together!


We cannot do it alone.


Happy Holidays!!




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Vote script with anti-spam, no edge votes, simple process, unique.


i w8 open :P



While you wait, visit our forum and give us some love :-*


We all need some love :D




Tell them Granny sent you ;)




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This is the most serious midrate project i saw in this year

People who spend lot of time to work on it and spend money ,and especially time.


I believe they have no reason to expect money from donations otherwise they wouldnt put so much heart on this project!. This server has obviously heart/effort put in it!




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Well if we are to be specific. L2Cosmic starts mid-rate and transitions gradually into a low rate experience. It not only provides a nice platform for the mid-rate enthusiast but caters to those grind-oriented players as well.


And with a limited donation policy, the playing field is equal between the donator and the farmer.


You're not alone in realizing the seriousness of our work. For example, the past few weeks and throughout closed beta we experienced hefty DDOS threats from some friendly competitors. Our policies threaten the  foundation of this cash-cow industry. So when something legit comes around, it is no surprise that international players develop an interest. And competitors are naturally not going to like this. Perhaps I should say the children running servers nowadays will not be happy. We try to stay away from the kiddy politics, bickering, whining, and accusations. It's just not our thing.


Hah. Rest assured, we're not going anywhere anytime soon ;)


So sign up with us today.


Ride our banner to glory.


And from one L2 player to another:


Enjoy L2 how it was intended to be played.






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Hello, dear maxcheaters community! O0

Let me introduce myself :okey:   - i'm the Fallen angel , head of security team, and senior system administrator of L2Cosmic project. I had a 5 years experience of managing system security. So be patient, that i did my job as it should be.


In the past, I was also a regular player, but not in Lineage 2, and I know not by hearsay about fails on the server launch, infinite lags, hacks database, unavailability under the ddos. I will do my best to prevent any issues on my credentials.


I will protect server data from hacking attempts. And try  give to you a high quality gaming experience. 


As well, I will lead the advertising company in the RU/UA regions of lineage 2 community to get attraction of russian spoken players. And make our project truly international. :not bad:


I work hard, and with heart full of love to my job and our child L2Cosmic. 




Fallen angel. :-beep- yeah:


p.s. So sorry for my English, it not my native language. :poker face:

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My brother in arms has finally spoken ;)


Quick History:


Fallen-Angel is our genius head systems administrator. He's basically a top notch security chief in a large company (engineering firm) that handles a wide variety of protection cases. Well sought after by the L2-Scripts.ru L2J development team in Russia (prepping a lot of servers for big name labels, some you may have played on in the past) but has decided to jump on the L2Cosmic wagon because he believes! He wants to share the love like I do. Also, I gave him an offer he couldn't refuse (in that GodFather kind of voice) and became a partner in our project.


You can speak to Angel in our forum if you have any concerns.




Our system administrator ensures that the server and website are behind a strong firewall to prevent any injections, hacks, or exploits. He's done a fantastic job in setting up the server in Germany and I have full faith in my friend to keep you guys online throughout your game experience. He's a boss :D




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