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L2Pride - Discussion Topic


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Hello there,

Today I came here to tell you some things about L2Pride. For some people it will be important, for some others not. But I'll just say it.


First, let me start with the whole "WTS [L2J]L2Pride Sources/Pack", etc by every random person in this world.


Some time ago, Dav hired an idiot to help him in developing L2Pride. The deal was that if that idiot updates L2Pride with good stuff, he would be paid cash. (Paid Developer in a few words)


So.. because that idiot was known to be a golddigger an stupid guy approached him. The stupid guy "offered" $5,000 for the sources of L2Pride, and as I said, this idiot was a golddigger so he accepted. He leaked/copied the sources/files and then.. when the time for the exchange came instead of asking for $ he first gave the files/sources to the stupid guy and obviously he got scammed. The idiot guy never received his cash. 


What's the point of saying all these?


-L2Pride was never "hacked" we just had an idiot among us who leaked/copied the files for $5,000 that he never received.

-L2Pride has/had only 1 developer which is Dav. If you see guys like the owner of fandc project saying that he used to be a dev in L2Pride, don't trust them. 

-L2Pride never gave the permission to anyone to sell/re-sell the files/sources. Dav was not aware of what the idiot did.


Secondly, I'd like to say a few things about the pack (files/sources)


The version which was supposed to be sold for $5,000 is the old one. It does not contain any updates as it was Dav the only one working on the files back then. The idiot had the old files. 


Thirdly, I'd like to say a few things about the all these "upcoming" servers using L2Prides sources/files


If you're about to join one of them just think one thing before you do it.. "Why would a serious Developer with the proper knowledge/skills use a ready-to-go pack?" Because currently the server is ready to go live. So most of these guys who open their supposedly "servers" are not real developers. (Talking about: Khalifa, InTheEnd) <-- These 2 guys just go after your donations, they've 0 knowledge in the Dev part. 


What's more, I'd like also to tell you that hNoke is not developing L2Pride anymore. The only one running updates/fixes is Dav.


P.S: Sorry for the wall of a text, I felt I should give some explanations.

P.S2: If you think this wall of text is useless/junk just ignore it. I already said for some people it will be important and for some others it won't.

P.S3: Sorry for the words 'stupid' & 'idiot' but couldn't find better words to describe these 2 people. Excuse me.




Q: Who is the idiot? What's his name?


hNoke. Be careful when dealing with him.



Q: Who is the stupid? What's his name?


Khalifa. Be careful when dealing with him.



Thanks for reading this.



Your server was DOWN for almost 4 months and no1 of your gm team came to explain whats going on. and now you came here to do what?

Instead to do this post at your forum and explain to ppl whats going on, you came in a ''random forum'' to explain what?

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I was playing L2Pride long ago like 2-3 years ago.I was always telling my friends that L2Pride devs are the best developers I have ever seen in 10-12 years playing Lineage2.Really awsome.

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I was playing L2Pride long ago like 2-3 years ago.I was always telling my friends that L2Pride devs are the best developers I have ever seen in 10-12 years playing Lineage2.Really awsome.


Read these replies.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello there,

Today I came here to tell you some things about L2Pride. For some people it will be important, for some others not. But I'll just say it.



-L2Pride has/had only 1 developer which is Dav. If you see guys like the owner of fandc project saying that he used to be a dev in L2Pride, don't trust them. 



i never said l2pride is developed by me ! i work only on hi5   my own project http://fandc.ro  nothing  else !!!

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i never said l2pride is developed by me ! i work only on hi5   my own project http://fandc.ro  nothing  else !!!


Right. I knew that you were gonna deny this, so I was clever enough to take a screenshot before asking a mod to junk your topic.

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hnoke forced me to buy his engine for 110e and never pmed me after or came back online, i trusted him...


i received the engine after 1 month and 4 days+ then never saw him again

and the engine is not even working properly , so manY bugs... i have to pay maybe over 100 euro only to fix the bugs ,no fu cking way...



i bet hes watching this under hidden mode and laughing at how dumb we were to even pay him that money for that crappy engine which was started by Rizel and fked by hnoke!



not to mention, check this...  "you said hnoke is gold digger, more like MONEY MILKER"


the only reason i accepted dat shets is becuz i had no chooice and i was getting good donations, but when i saw my self with less money, i realised... how much money he got for only few hours of work "total" ,not to mention that he was lieing "he said it took him 6-8 hours to make augment engine ,AND OMG IT WAS ALREADY EXISTING IN REUNION .jar, i bet it didnt even took him 30 min and charged me 40 euro for dat sh1t"



[30.06.2014 00:07:23] hnoke: awesome
[30.06.2014 00:07:25] hnoke: 10e ?
[30.06.2014 00:07:29] ½ Genesis: yes good price finnaly
[30.06.2014 00:07:33] ½ Genesis: :D
[30.06.2014 00:07:37] hnoke: or wait
[30.06.2014 00:07:39] hnoke: it was important
[30.06.2014 00:07:41] hnoke: so 15 !






[26.06.2014 00:15:21] hnoke: alright, so
[26.06.2014 00:15:39] hnoke: I rework it into an event
[26.06.2014 00:16:12] hnoke: and fix the above two bugs for 40 e total?
[26.06.2014 00:16:16] hnoke: 10 which I got already
[26.06.2014 00:16:19] hnoke: plus 40
[26.06.2014 00:16:27] ½ Genesis: hmm a bit much but ok :(
[26.06.2014 00:16:34] hnoke: you need it fast
[26.06.2014 00:16:39] hnoke: I'll give you fast
[26.06.2014 19:55:53] ½ Genesis: u will make me go 0e soon :D
[26.06.2014 19:55:55] ½ Genesis: XD
[26.06.2014 19:56:00] hnoke: lol i won't
[26.06.2014 19:56:03] hnoke: you have a stable income from the server
[26.06.2014 19:56:09] ½ Genesis: for now not
[26.06.2014 19:56:11] hnoke: if not now, you will soon
[26.06.2014 19:56:12] ½ Genesis: no donations
[26.06.2014 19:56:13] ½ Genesis: or very low
[26.06.2014 19:56:17] hnoke: my fixes are important for you :P
[26.06.2014 19:56:20] ½ Genesis: 10-18 daily
[26.06.2014 19:56:33] hnoke: trust me, we get hte server fixed
[26.06.2014 19:56:36] hnoke: you set up good donations
[26.06.2014 19:56:38] hnoke: and you'll be rich











[26.06.2014 19:58:28] ½ Genesis: so 15e for this cancellation fikx shit ,i hope its ok yes??? its ok yess?!! tell me yes

[26.06.2014 19:59:42] hnoke: let's say 20 e for cancelation and the query














PS: this is far from all skype convs ,is just a part

Edited by Karasu
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hnoke forced me to buy his engine for 110e and never pmed me after or came back online, i trusted him...


i received the engine after 1 month and 4 days+ then never saw him again

and the engine is not even working properly , so manY bugs... i have to pay maybe over 100 euro only to fix the bugs ,no fu cking way...



i bet hes watching this under hidden mode and laughing at how dumb we were to even pay him that money for that crappy engine which was started by Rizel and fked by hnoke!



not to mention, check this...  "you said hnoke is gold digger, more like MONEY MILKER"


the only reason i accepted dat shets is becuz i had no chooice and i was getting good donations, but when i saw my self with less money, i realised... how much money he got for only few hours of work "total" ,not to mention that he was lieing "he said it took him 6-8 hours to make augment engine ,AND OMG IT WAS ALREADY EXISTING IN REUNION .jar, i bet it didnt even took him 30 min and charged me 40 euro for dat sh1t"



[30.06.2014 00:07:23] hnoke: awesome
[30.06.2014 00:07:25] hnoke: 10e ?
[30.06.2014 00:07:29] ½ Genesis: yes good price finnaly
[30.06.2014 00:07:33] ½ Genesis: :D
[30.06.2014 00:07:37] hnoke: or wait
[30.06.2014 00:07:39] hnoke: it was important
[30.06.2014 00:07:41] hnoke: so 15 !






[26.06.2014 00:15:21] hnoke: alright, so
[26.06.2014 00:15:39] hnoke: I rework it into an event
[26.06.2014 00:16:12] hnoke: and fix the above two bugs for 40 e total?
[26.06.2014 00:16:16] hnoke: 10 which I got already
[26.06.2014 00:16:19] hnoke: plus 40
[26.06.2014 00:16:27] ½ Genesis: hmm a bit much but ok :(
[26.06.2014 00:16:34] hnoke: you need it fast
[26.06.2014 00:16:39] hnoke: I'll give you fast
[26.06.2014 19:55:53] ½ Genesis: u will make me go 0e soon :D
[26.06.2014 19:55:55] ½ Genesis: XD
[26.06.2014 19:56:00] hnoke: lol i won't
[26.06.2014 19:56:03] hnoke: you have a stable income from the server
[26.06.2014 19:56:09] ½ Genesis: for now not
[26.06.2014 19:56:11] hnoke: if not now, you will soon
[26.06.2014 19:56:12] ½ Genesis: no donations
[26.06.2014 19:56:13] ½ Genesis: or very low
[26.06.2014 19:56:17] hnoke: my fixes are important for you :P
[26.06.2014 19:56:20] ½ Genesis: 10-18 daily
[26.06.2014 19:56:33] hnoke: trust me, we get hte server fixed
[26.06.2014 19:56:36] hnoke: you set up good donations
[26.06.2014 19:56:38] hnoke: and you'll be rich











[26.06.2014 19:58:28] ½ Genesis: so 15e for this cancellation fikx shit ,i hope its ok yes??? its ok yess?!! tell me yes

[26.06.2014 19:59:42] hnoke: let's say 20 e for cancelation and the query














PS: this is far from all skype convs ,is just a part


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hnoke forced me to buy his engine for 110e and never pmed me after or came back online, i trusted him...


i received the engine after 1 month and 4 days+ then never saw him again

and the engine is not even working properly , so manY bugs... i have to pay maybe over 100 euro only to fix the bugs ,no fu cking way...



i bet hes watching this under hidden mode and laughing at how dumb we were to even pay him that money for that crappy engine which was started by Rizel and fked by hnoke!



not to mention, check this...  "you said hnoke is gold digger, more like MONEY MILKER"


the only reason i accepted dat shets is becuz i had no chooice and i was getting good donations, but when i saw my self with less money, i realised... how much money he got for only few hours of work "total" ,not to mention that he was lieing "he said it took him 6-8 hours to make augment engine ,AND OMG IT WAS ALREADY EXISTING IN REUNION .jar, i bet it didnt even took him 30 min and charged me 40 euro for dat sh1t"



[30.06.2014 00:07:23] hnoke: awesome
[30.06.2014 00:07:25] hnoke: 10e ?
[30.06.2014 00:07:29] ½ Genesis: yes good price finnaly
[30.06.2014 00:07:33] ½ Genesis: :D
[30.06.2014 00:07:37] hnoke: or wait
[30.06.2014 00:07:39] hnoke: it was important
[30.06.2014 00:07:41] hnoke: so 15 !






[26.06.2014 00:15:21] hnoke: alright, so
[26.06.2014 00:15:39] hnoke: I rework it into an event
[26.06.2014 00:16:12] hnoke: and fix the above two bugs for 40 e total?
[26.06.2014 00:16:16] hnoke: 10 which I got already
[26.06.2014 00:16:19] hnoke: plus 40
[26.06.2014 00:16:27] ½ Genesis: hmm a bit much but ok :(
[26.06.2014 00:16:34] hnoke: you need it fast
[26.06.2014 00:16:39] hnoke: I'll give you fast
[26.06.2014 19:55:53] ½ Genesis: u will make me go 0e soon :D
[26.06.2014 19:55:55] ½ Genesis: XD
[26.06.2014 19:56:00] hnoke: lol i won't
[26.06.2014 19:56:03] hnoke: you have a stable income from the server
[26.06.2014 19:56:09] ½ Genesis: for now not
[26.06.2014 19:56:11] hnoke: if not now, you will soon
[26.06.2014 19:56:12] ½ Genesis: no donations
[26.06.2014 19:56:13] ½ Genesis: or very low
[26.06.2014 19:56:17] hnoke: my fixes are important for you :P
[26.06.2014 19:56:20] ½ Genesis: 10-18 daily
[26.06.2014 19:56:33] hnoke: trust me, we get hte server fixed
[26.06.2014 19:56:36] hnoke: you set up good donations
[26.06.2014 19:56:38] hnoke: and you'll be rich











[26.06.2014 19:58:28] ½ Genesis: so 15e for this cancellation fikx shit ,i hope its ok yes??? its ok yess?!! tell me yes

[26.06.2014 19:59:42] hnoke: let's say 20 e for cancelation and the query














PS: this is far from all skype convs ,is just a part


...wait wait wait wait.



"Hi i'd like to upgrade my computer to be able to video-call other computers".

"Sure thing - i'll upgrade your skype module here to support video calls - that will be 40e".

"okay great"


You are the most perfect example of why L2J has died.

You should not touch anything that is technicly complex - or try to adminstrate\run anything complex.


You level of Intelligence\IQ just doesn't merit more.

Please become a carpenter or plumber or something.


If all your types did that - hNoke types would cease to exist.

They'd have no market to buy their supposed "services".


...but i geuss L2J people will never learn that.

Edited by mcbigmac
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