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interlude [L2J] L2Quintus - The Real Experience!


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Hehe, great love on MaxCheaters' community :)



yep, its esthus renamed... Same pack/admins

It's not, unless you have proof to show. L2Esthus closed (temporarily could be) due to critical bugs, bugs like problem on server packets(server couldn't send packets to client and everything freezed) or errors regarding trade lists(smth i did not touch at all).


L2Quintus was designed by Devlin HIMSELF, when i was inactive from l2/l2j playing LoL.


So please stop trying to pretend the smartass if you are clueless.



l2esthus was full of bugs.


let me guees l2esthus failed and u decide to open new server ?

Nope, since i decided that L2Esthus needs more work and fixes, Devlin asked me for the dedicated machine in order to open L2Quintus.

Edited by An4rchy
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I'm supporting a solid guy. Nothing more nothing less. And if you think your "dont lick Devlin's ass" reached my feeling I've got to disappoint because it didn't. If I'd pay attention to every person with mental disorder I'd gone crazy years ago. No one said Esthus was perfect, but then again you're the last person on this planet to criticize something you've got absolute no clue about. First try your skills in managing a server, then spit over other work. Now stop this and discus about Quintus or don't talk at all. 

Really? I was tring to show Admin's mistakes, nothing more. (on any server's forum)

I didnt flame anyone.


I am not a server dev, I am just a player.

As I see you trust to any1 who said : we were working on server for a few month.

And when u log, u see that archers / daggers making toooooo much dmg. And everything is fucking up. 

Thats it.

Edited by TommyVersace
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This guy just sucks everyone's asses on this forum :)


On topic: good luck devlin I hope you actually open this one successfully.

I'm just being a normal person with a normal attitude. If your mind is telling you I lick ass with being normal and kind, than so be it. I never argued peoples stupidity, because it has no limit. You as an example. Simple.

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Hehe, great love on MaxCheaters' community :)


Nope, since i decided that L2Esthus needs more work and fixes, Devlin asked me for the dedicated machine in order to open L2Quintus.

So another Admin gonna open a new server :D

Anyway if this server or re-launched Esthus will be w/o bugs and with nice balance, it will be nice.

No flames :D

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Really? I was tring to show Admin's mistakes, nothing more. (on any server's forum)

I didnt flame anyone.


I am not a server dev, I am just a player.

As I see you trust to any1 who said : we were working on server for a few month.

And when u log, u see that archers / daggers making toooooo much dmg. And everything is fucking up. 

Thats it.

Trying to show admin mistakes? With what, pointing out how this is the same server as Esthus? And imply that it has the same core bugs? Who are you fooling here.. You're seeing things wrong and you don't know first thing about me. Stop this bull shit.

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Why the hell do you write things like "I see you trust to any1 who said : we were working on server for a few month" ? Obviously you care enough to emphasize what and who I trust. As being an grown up I will end this south debate. Greets

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My files have nothing to do with Esthus. I can prove it if someone really wants it.


We are using different revision of aCis files, different mods and many many more. L2Esthus designed ONLY by Anarchy. L2Quintus designed ONLY by Devlin.


Please stay away from spam, if you have any questions I can answer them.

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Devlin is no joke when it comes to L2J developing. He proved to have skills as well as will to help others. You can't expect more from an Admin. Recommended. I wish that you will gather enough people for a successful run!





Good luck my mate! hope the best and count me in

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