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interlude [L2J]Evo World


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u must do something new to attract players again ... also the fact that donators can have 2 more actives its a big issue for normal players ... ur donations must be reworked 

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u must do something new to attract players again ... also the fact that donators can have 2 more actives its a big issue for normal players ... ur donations must be reworked 

yes i know all cry about donation........my mistake

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well i will reopen the server ,i have 40 players and all agree to reopen :)


so what is new ? :



- will be max 3 actives aguments and 1 pasive for all

- VIP BUFFS for all

- new armors set and weapons ( i will change the old one becouse ppl are bored )

- the restriction about bow on few classes wil turn in penalty (u can wear bow but u have penalty)

- debuff will be for 10 seconds and after buffs will return

- blessed will be  98% now and if u fail will return at +7 

- i will add party zone for farm

- pvp zone have  autonobless / autorespawn and i will add few rb there to farm

- we have all protection ( anti- ddos / anti-tower /anti -phx /clickers and others sh1ts)

- we don t have coruption in server (maybe u notice that)

- special evo rb will have 24 h respawn now ( he drop 1 ticket evo = u exchange to 1 active skill of ur choice)

- Top ls will be 25% now instead of 20 %

- and more i will post today ,if u have any suggestion post here plz :)

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well i will reopen the server ,i have 40 players and all agree to reopen :)


so what is new ? :



- will be max 3 actives aguments and 1 pasive for all

- VIP BUFFS for all

- new armors set and weapons ( i will change the old one becouse ppl are bored )

- the restriction about bow on few classes wil turn in penalty (u can wear bow but u have penalty)

- debuff will be for 10 seconds and after buffs will return

- blessed will be  98% now and if u fail will return at +7 

- i will add party zone for farm

- pvp zone have  autonobless / autorespawn and i will add few rb there to farm

- we have all protection ( anti- ddos / anti-tower /anti -phx /clickers and others sh1ts)

- we don t have coruption in server (maybe u notice that)

- special evo rb will have 24 h respawn now ( he drop 1 ticket evo = u exchange to 1 active skill of ur choice)

- Top ls will be 25% now instead of 20 %

- and more i will post today ,if u have any suggestion post here plz :)



Well done Evo you finally woken up ! :)


Why dont you add like crazy amount of tiers for example 4


Each tier will have +3% better stats, same for weapons.


People won't get bored as often.


Besides you can release each tier, each month or something!

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Well done Evo you finally woken up ! :)


Why dont you add like crazy amount of tiers for example 4


Each tier will have +3% better stats, same for weapons.


People won't get bored as often.


Besides you can release each tier, each month or something!

i was trying to put at 7-10 days :) and i have a lot of stuff already puted in my server ,and like that i will do :) put 1 month for players is too much :) maybe every 2 weeks :)

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one problem i had with ur server was that in some farm zones that are not interlude i had some lag ...so my suggestion is to put interlude areas for farm/pvp

i removed the crystal zone ,i have left the plains  and another 2 big zones

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Added Party Zone 

Added Farm Rb on PvP zONE

Removed Cloak

We have self vote server with .reward and i wil put global reward also( at every 5 votes all online ppl get reward automatic)

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Added Return canceled buffs return in 5 seconds !

Added Autoreward from topzone and hopzone automatic

Added Funny SystemMsg 

Added Anounncements with all pvp/pks

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If you edit the title one more time, I will remove your topic.


As the rules say "[L2J] Or [L2OFF] + the name of your server and select the prefix"

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