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:-beep- yeah:

go back to your ""original"" T@l3s server where u come from, and dont spam our thread. And lets bet 1 month after we open this server u will still copy all our New feautures like u did many times so far bcs well.. lets face it u are the REAL  outhere ..and we are all fake ^^  :you serious?:

Edited by bella
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:-beep- yeah:

go back to your ""original"" T@l3s server where u come from, and dont spam our thread. And lets bet 1 month after we open this server u will still copy all our New feautures like u did many times so far bcs well.. lets face it u are the REAL  outhere ..and we are all fake ^^  :you serious?:

First of all i have nothing to do with any server, especially tales, which is a total garbage too but its still light years ahead in development from your cheap copy of l2 that you have in there. 

I was just curious if you had paid about real L2OFF platform but the answer is more than obvious - you havent. Then lets make a simple conclusion:

- your server is not L2OFF but L2J u n k, your developers are uncapable of doing anything on their own - if they try they just make the things worst, all they can do is pretty much copy/paste codes from bad sources, for what features you were talking about :D

- your community is totally random, no big clans, no epic battles, just some left overs

- you dont respect the players - you lie for everything...for your platform, for your community, for your online count. I wonder if you lie for everything like that how corrupted donations list gonna be?

I wish you all the best and hope that with some medications you will manage to control your mental disorders.



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:not bad:

Let me get this right, u are someone who played our servers and dont like them - because you have no clan and no real friends who can feed u in oly, and dont have the skills to become one by yourself, your life is booring and u are spending time to post in Threads where nobody asked for ur opinion and lets be honest - nobody will ask for it. How can u fucking talk about stuff for witch u dont have any proof and argue about something u can't simply know? 

People like you gave cancer to L2 Community. Please excuse yourself back to the point where still nobody cares for you the same way like we dont care about ur random Thoughts and Suggestions. Oh  yes and learn to respect the things u can't make or understand before judge the ones who did it  :-beep- yeah:

Edited by bella
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Still better than Tales.

not true,


at tales maybe hide donate but big pvps 


and no ninja update every day, no unskilled l0l3d & nik and that nub bella 


and this server look like hr br 10000x with that buff slot and features. 


and i forget add legendary video!


Edited by AchYlek
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and this server look like hr br 10000x with that buff slot and features. 


and i forget add legendary video!



That video seems to be so much L2OFF just like bella seems to be really smart :D

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