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How To Create A Stylish New Armor

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I will be showing you how to create a stylish new armor set and dividing it into 3 different colors


(image removed due to author's request)


i will be using that set as an example, with enough dedication (about 8 min per piece) you can easily create something like that on your own


Video -


Edited by Trancє
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Very nice tut! Just lame color saturation, really. 8 min per piece You say? Well, that is still longer than I did  :happyforever: 
BTW: sales are going GREAT! Thank You for Your concern!

* I just reported to remove my image  :dat:

Oh, THANK YOU for calling Your tread "How to create a Stylish New Armor" and using my work as example! I love the fact You call my work "stylish" <3 Thats so kind!

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LE MEMER MASTER xD, pm me to unlock in case you want update the topic.

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