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classic [L2Off] L2Dex


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Changes from 03.07

  • Siege cycle - 1 week
  • Barakiel Nobless pass can't be trade/sell. Can't be deleted.
  • .rb - show Raid Boss life status. With this command you can see if Raid Boss are Dead or Alive, but you will not see respawn time. Raid Boss status updates every 35-40 minutes.
  • Method of third profession preparation:

    • Variant 1:
      • But it with 50.000.000 aden and 400 Black Halisha's Mark.
      • Black Halisha's Mark droped in Shrine of Loyalty from: Grave Scarab, Scavenger Scarab, Grave Ant, Scavenger Ant, Shrine Knight, Shrine Guard.
      • The number of points and the monsters spawn speed increased.
      • You will not get any reward if you will buy third profession with adena and marks.

      [*]Variant 2:

      • The completion of the full quest.
      • From one monster you will get 4 quest items, means you need to kill only 175 monsters.
      • After quest finish you will get reward: 50.000.000 aden, 1 Giant's Codex, 22.994.040 Exp
      • The number of points and the monsters spawn speed increased.

  • Tear of Devotion - Donat currency. Can be trade. Currency specialty store. Get this currency possible by donations project for its progression.(How to make a donation?)

Changes from 04.07

  • Instant clan leader change, without restarting the server (recall that on all pts/off clan leader changing only after server restart, but we have implemented an instant change clan leader, for convenience).

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Which damn website has da srv info? u give like 3 sites and da only one who says Nanna is wartime.ru but cant understand shit.

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Hi, good luck ! The server seems great, but  I have 2 questions as I may misunderstood some features. Do I need to do the whole quest for Subclass or just str8 talk to the chests ? Also, if I understood correctly, 3rd Q profession is retail-like , just mobs' respawn time is slightly boosted, right?

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