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New bot?


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  • 3 weeks later...

New? lol... L2.Net has been around for over 2.5 years now...


Of course it has IG...


And yes it works for farming... go to the forum site and read a little bit.  I think you'll be pleasantly suprised...




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  • 1 month later...

works perfectly, new things being added atm, autofighter being reworked, auto-box like walker has has been implemented as well as offset.

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  • 1 month later...

what is better l2.net or l2 walker ?

Depends what you want to do,


If you want a super simple click and go and you don't mind spending money... walker is better.


If you want absolute control over everything the bot does and the ability to script anything that is missing or doesn't do exactly what you want to do and you want to bot for free... L2.Net is better.

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very much so.... also I'd much rather know the maker of the bot i'm using. Makes me feel alot more comfortable knowing whats behind the scene... I've visited Slothmo in person and I can tell you this, hes one smart guy. I dont doubt him for a second. Mistakes are fixed very quickly and new content added that no other bots have. Also... L2.NET was the first bot to connect to servers IG without client hooks, making it very hard to detect client side. If not possible at all. Unless faulty packets were detected.... but then again anything unknown to IG gets passed on to the client, L2.NET will not touch it.


Overall, if you are worried about detection... L2.net will have a much better chance to go "under the radar" on the next bans. OOG on retail is unsafe because GG packets haven't been cracked... this is the case on l2Divine.... and most likely Walker. Most people dont even know that.


If you are wanting to go into the programming wold, or just learning about it. L2.net is also a nice baby step. Its not complete programming, but its a heck of a good step into the programming world. Learning c# is a piece of cake for me now.

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why i've got strange lags on l2net ? i runned normal window cilent and second l2NET.

character in l2net were assist char in normal client. I've killed mob but on l2net it was still 'fighting'. On l2NET I saw drop just after few seconds.

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    • Hello everyone,   We're shifting our focus away from implementing as much as possible from the Essence gameplay. Instead, the server will now be Interlude, but using the Essence client.   This should be good news for everyone.   The Beta phase will most likely take place in November, with the grand opening to follow shortly after.   Cheers!
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