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Starting A Lineage2 Server -> Donations? And More Questions....

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Posted (edited)

Hey Guys,


I'm thinking of making a Lineage2 Private server. Played L2 for a long time, but the newest GoD sucks.
I'll probably buy a server machine and host it at home; in Holland we do have internet connections with 100 mb up / down (which i'll get in a few months).
I don't have alot of money to start with, so i'll most likely need to start with a cheap server (around 100 - 225 euro's?). 

I need to know a few things before I start this project:


- What machine should I buy? (i'll prefer a 'mini' pc / server with almost no noise)
- What are minimum system specs for L2J ?
- What chronicle should I host, I personally think of hosting Interlude; but what chronicle will bring me the most players?
- Whats the average amount of yield that donations will give me? Do people often donate? I somewhere need to make it profitable (I need around 25+ euro's a month for the servers n stuff electricity , isp etc).
- Who is into helping me developing this server?
- Are the current L2J packs almost bugg-less ?
- Is there any chance to get caught my FBI? Are we illegal (donations)?

Sorry for asking so much questions. Hope someone will answer me, and into helping me in a while when i'm gonna set this up :-)




Edited by synthe

you cant open a serious server from home even if you have 10gb lines, servers need firewalls, expensive hardware and lots of monitoring, you cant do it at home

Posted (edited)

you cant open a serious server from home even if you have 10gb lines, servers need firewalls, expensive hardware and lots of monitoring, you cant do it at home

I have played on some servers in the past that were hosted at home and had about 300+ players. 

Those were mainly Greek servers......

Edited by synthe
Posted (edited)

you cant open a serious server from home even if you have 10gb lines, servers need firewalls, expensive hardware and lots of monitoring, you cant do it at home

laber hier nicht so einen mist. :)



ich würde eher auf einen einser lowrate server gehen. natürlich dementsprechend schwierig und strategisch gestalten, sodass man auf dauer genug donations einstreichen kann. ein high rateserver würde wohl eher nur ein bis zwei monate brennen und schon wäre er ausgelutscht, da jeder bereits ans max equip gekommen wäre ^^


ich bin da eher ein typischer 1x er

Edited by snifi

laber hier nicht so einen mist. :)



ich würde eher auf einen einser lowrate server gehen. natürlich dementsprechend schwierig und strategisch gestalten, sodass man auf dauer genug donations einstreichen kann. ein high rateserver würde wohl eher nur ein bis zwei monate brennen und schon wäre er ausgelutscht, da jeder bereits ans max equip gekommen wäre ^^


ich bin da eher ein typischer 1x er

I don't understand German haha :P

Posted (edited)

- It's possible to host on a home computer, but you probably will be down pretty much fast (DDoS).

- FBI never bothered about tracking L2J servers. And the few impacted were 2 L2OFF servers, back in 2007 (and the history will never tell us if it was real or fake, in order to go with donations ^^).

- 25€ donation / month is pretty easy to do, all depend about what you get as donation, the price of donation and number of players. It can easily be done with the regular : consumables, accessories, services (name change, gender change, etc).

- none L2J is bugless. Even if you pay 1000€. That doesn't exist. Current L2J work is to cleanup years of "bad" code use. It took them 3y atm, and it's not ended.

- regarding server I would say : CPU < RAM < inet connection. Biggest problem is DDoS. Server is RAM hungry, notably if you want numerous players.

- none going to help you dev your server ; even more if you say you only get 25€ donation / month.


Finally the chronicle is a matter of taste ; which is sure is players don't seek anymore "real" servers. If you haven't an idea of a decent custom gameplay, forget to launch a L2J server at all, it will be a waste of time (or until you're ok with low amount of players).

Edited by Tryskell

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