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Beautiful Website Design

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Hello there , i just designem an beautiful website for any l2 client , so before i sell it i will edit it like customer wants to be. 

Website is still not finished , but if customer wants to buy it i will need 2 days to finish everything. 


Website got on main page beautiful fade in/fade out slideshow , image slides every 4 seconds , can be edited how you like it. There are Control buttons for slide show as u can see it on SS , previous , play , pause , next ...
Header navigation black/gray where Create Account , Change Password and music player is , is fixed ... So its always on top and when you are scroling the website too. When u click on this music player icon the music u want will start and the music player color is changed till playing , when pause the first color comes back.

There are many many good effects which cannot be seen at those Screen shots.


Here are the Screen shots:


1) http://i.imgur.com/cj8g8q2.jpg

2) http://i.imgur.com/UdIUhk0.jpg

3) http://i.imgur.com/CBDGppF.jpg

4) http://i.imgur.com/jJp58ZM.jpg

5) http://i.imgur.com/XRuDH5e.jpg

6) http://i.imgur.com/N7VjoaJ.jpg


So if you wish to buy it, before you buy it i can edit it like you want it to be.

If you wanna be the only owner of this beautiful website the price is bigger , if not  price is smaller.
So i can sell it only to you , or to more interested people.


I can design the forum too if you are interested.

Contact me via email or facebook :

email : salkanovic.e93@gmail.com
facebook direct profile link : www.facebook.com/deevinside
facebook name : Elvedin Dev Salkanovic




in last two images didnt merged the screenshot good  the background is fuc*ed up






Edited by SlarkDesign
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HA HA HA ? What are you talking about ??? I coded the whole website from start , but i took some images from official website. And you cannot talk about my website if you didnt take a look inside the codes , okay ?

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HA HA HA ? What are you talking about ??? I coded the whole website from start , but i took some images from official website. And you cannot talk about my website if you didnt take a look inside the codes , okay ?

I'm talking about the template .. 

Since you edited the deisgn you had to coded again.


And what have you added ??

1-2 pics and 3 renders ??


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I'm talking about the template .. 

Since you edited the deisgn you had to coded again.


And what have you added ??

1-2 pics and 3 renders ??


What is your job exactly here on this forum , spamming the topic around ?


For your information :


Whole codes are coded by me from start , there is no even 1 code from official website , and its forbbiden to use them ofc.

The website is not EDITED , its CODED!


What have I do ? The whole website , and you should not care what have i do. Go and do your job please and dont spamm around. Thank you , in future i`ll ignore your posts.


jealous kid...

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What is your job exactly here on this forum , spamming the topic around ?


For your information :


Whole codes are coded by me from start , there is no even 1 code from official website , and its forbbiden to use them ofc.

The website is not EDITED , its CODED!


What have I do ? The whole website , and you should not care what have i do. Go and do your job please and dont spamm around. Thank you , in future i`ll ignore your posts.


jealous kid...

Just grow up. Just for your information i have access regarding posts to all topic due to VIP membership.

Secondly you have edited the template ( read my previous post twice before you answer) in Ps.

Also saying my opinion is not spamming.


Btw i can make something like that for fun kiddo.

Grow up before it;s too late. Editing a ripped template can not be called "my design".


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HA HA HA ? What are you talking about ??? I coded the whole website from start , but i took some images from official website. And you cannot talk about my website if you didnt take a look inside the codes , okay ?

nothing to do whit coding just copy paste not more dude its easy to copy the website from offical

and secon no 1 will use it just a info if any 1 use it he is just stupid for sure i dont play at a server whit a stolen website

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Just grow up. Just for your information i have access regarding posts to all topic due to VIP membership.

Secondly you have edited the template ( read my previous post twice before you answer) in Ps.

Also saying my opinion is not spamming.


Btw i can make something like that for fun kiddo.

Grow up before it;s too late. Editing a ripped template can not be called "my design".


`iAndre, dear kid, i really dont know why i the hell i am telling to you anything, is it becouse i like you or what.... hmmmm

But first thing i should tell you and last , get a brain , get glasses and get a life.

You think the whole world is here inside this forum ? I am really sorry becouse of you :(

No more messages for you....




nothing to do whit coding just copy paste not more dude its easy to copy the website from offical

and secon no 1 will use it just a info if any 1 use it he is just stupid for sure i dont play at a server whit a stolen website

Ok its just copy paste , its easy to copy paste i agree , and no1 will use it for sure . We are ok now ?




1) images are not yours

2)All of them has the same style....

I told already images are not mine and that i used those from official website, the style and the codes are not same. We are ok now ?



What a no lifers , just spamming over the forum, i just cannot believe that so stupid kidos exist ....

And for your informations i already got 4 interested guys , so please cry me a river jealous kids.

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