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interlude [L2Off] L2Evoke


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True, it's a shame. I do not usually get involved in such trashes and such scams but they force their hand, soon we will make a post on our forum and hopefully it will end this "drama", and yes, we are the only ones capable to create a low-rate server without those shiny donations that all new wanna be "low-rates" rise up everyday. 
Less words, we will prove it in game.


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Ares here. I can confirm what fneves said - this has absolutely nothing to do with the old L2Evoke..




No body gives a shit that you are using our server name but acting like you are in any way affiliated with the orginal L2Evoke is just plain lame and your whole operation shows your lack of originality.


- One of you is acting like he is fg, while he is clearly not (fg is from Portugal, this fake fg is from Greece (ip:

- You have copied our entire site from web.archive, including several of my posts from the orginal L2Evoke forum.

- You are running completely different files from us and are not even using the same extender, yet you advertise with using our script base/files

- Your scripts are shit and you got tons of work to do before you have anything that would come close to the old L2Evoke


Grow a pair and stop impersonating people.



Greek fake efegue, why dont you reply to the facts presented?

fg and I both tried contacting you guys on your (our?) site and both got banned instead of a decent reply.


Also refer to locked pmfun thread for nicklaming / scamming by these guys: http://forum.pmfun.com/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=70747&p=299043#p299043

Same should happen here imo to prevent the , already fragile, low rate l2 community from people like this.

Edited by ares123
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True, it's a shame. I do not usually get involved in such trashes and such scams but they force their hand, soon we will make a post on our forum and hopefully it will end this "drama", and yes, we are the only ones capable to create a low-rate server without those shiny donations that all new wanna be "low-rates" rise up everyday. 

Less words, we will prove it in game.



We hope so to prove this,because so far seems like it's fake,so people in general and old evoke players could finally learn on what's happening and if they have to do with fake owneship.Anyways if it's proven that you're fake it's a shame even if you get huge online,if not..well,have the best of possible results.Either way like we say above,it's the only retail summer-to-come project so a good online may be there,but despite that being fake would be a very very bad for all players and for admin to realize how unskilled and how chose easy way to copy a server by others and open..

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Oh I heard you are now telling people it was me who posted on our Facebook page that your project was fake and that you are the real fg, even more bullshit to add to the ever increasing pile:




I didnt even know about this uncreative, off the shelve extender money scam you are trying to run until fg told me...

Edited by ares123
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I played on original L2evoke, c4jk as a respected member of Addicted aka Zlokob's L2 community can attest as well - this is not real Evoke.


Those files are as well not Evoke's. 




As such it is down to a simple question.


If you were in possession of sound files (Real & Old L2Evoke), why would you use some TRASH EXTENDER? 






If that is not all, I would also like to remind you that the "summer-projects" are always a scam, to make some money. It makes sense since Greece is in Crisis. 

Furthermore, what is so "fun" to play on x5 IL (tons of farm at the very start), if a project probably won't last till other projects (that will take donators away) will come during the Autumn (RU projects)?








The only EU servers that basically are run for years, are those that are meant to be non-profit, thus look (Old L2Evoke, L2Dawn and perhaps L2Shrine). 



If this server would be non-profit, meaning no donations whatsoever for a year, and than perhaps account services (change of clan name, nicknames - if changed nicks are posted on forums + hats) - yeah you could try this one out.

Edited by gagarinUK
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This is L2Evoke with its files, actually the files are better and way more fixed than previously server, the fact that we simply updated our extender from 2013 to 2017 brings a lot of changes and that's why we opened beta tests for two weeks. Your capability or judging is pretty low in this case therefor you decided to create this pointless post which proves nothing than you're on Ares side. 
For your own concern Ares is KaEL, the leader of a corrupted clan, if his clan is corrupted I assume he as GM is corrupted as well, and that's why he was kicked out from staff.
This is Ares/Kael e-mail and domain: http://www.boxwind.com/site/en/l2-apoc.com

Hope it will clear your mind and will clarify this situation.


C4jk was also helped and his clan was able to buy various items from "donation shop" for example: over-enchanted items, boss jewels and power level from Ares(KaEL).


We do not open the server to obtain donations, there are few topics on our forum that got an answer about donations and what donate shop will contain, but once again you are blind, you are hand in hand with Ares or you are simply to silly to understand that Evoke is not re-opened for donations. The fact that you mentioned Greece, which also Ares (the corrupt) mentioned once, proves nothing. It only proves how stupid and how close-minded he is, because we didn't post on other forums so if he see flags from greece that's from our moderator which deals with advertisement campaign as well.

I am from portugal, if that's your concern, more exactly Funchal, other team members are from Europe and United States. If you really want to play a server without :
- Corruptions (Ares style)
- Black donations (Ares style)
- Java files
- free account panels 
- Lags
L2 Evoke is the one to select.  We provide a lot of benefits and we do not care about donations or greece which is in "crisis". Opening in summer doesn't mean we open for donations and for short term, that's pure senseless but I cannot expect from everybody to use their brains while talking.

We provide 100% bot protection, secured accounts for game, no lags, no rmt's, no corruptions or black donations.

Have fun and good luck wherever you choose to play.

Feel free to spam this topic, we won't consider too much those posts, we provide support and answers on our forums, which have over 400 users interested of joining, users that trust us and saw that we got a skilled team and a huge potential.

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potential server of the year if its real and have no fail donation one of good retail c6.many people already make their packages for it

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This is L2Evoke with its files, actually the files are better and way more fixed than previously server, the fact that we simply updated our extender from 2013 to 2017 brings a lot of changes and that's why we opened beta tests for two weeks. Your capability or judging is pretty low in this case therefor you decided to create this pointless post which proves nothing than you're on Ares side. 

For your own concern Ares is KaEL, the leader of a corrupted clan, if his clan is corrupted I assume he as GM is corrupted as well, and that's why he was kicked out from staff.

This is Ares/Kael e-mail and domain: http://www.boxwind.com/site/en/l2-apoc.com

Hope it will clear your mind and will clarify this situation.


C4jk was also helped and his clan was able to buy various items from "donation shop" for example: over-enchanted items, boss jewels and power level from Ares(KaEL).


We do not open the server to obtain donations, there are few topics on our forum that got an answer about donations and what donate shop will contain, but once again you are blind, you are hand in hand with Ares or you are simply to silly to understand that Evoke is not re-opened for donations. The fact that you mentioned Greece, which also Ares (the corrupt) mentioned once, proves nothing. It only proves how stupid and how close-minded he is, because we didn't post on other forums so if he see flags from greece that's from our moderator which deals with advertisement campaign as well.


I am from portugal, if that's your concern, more exactly Funchal, other team members are from Europe and United States. If you really want to play a server without :

- Corruptions (Ares style)

- Black donations (Ares style)

- Java files

- free account panels 

- Lags

L2 Evoke is the one to select.  We provide a lot of benefits and we do not care about donations or greece which is in "crisis". Opening in summer doesn't mean we open for donations and for short term, that's pure senseless but I cannot expect from everybody to use their brains while talking.


We provide 100% bot protection, secured accounts for game, no lags, no rmt's, no corruptions or black donations.


Have fun and good luck wherever you choose to play.


Feel free to spam this topic, we won't consider too much those posts, we provide support and answers on our forums, which have over 400 users interested of joining, users that trust us and saw that we got a skilled team and a huge potential.


Again... no you're not. Stop pretending to be fg, you'll fail...

I don't know why you keep this farse of pretending to be me and even using my real name and location, what the hell? I'm that really worth of impersonating? I feel like a star :)


It's disgusting to see what you wrote, you could have opened the server with the same name without trying to impersonate someone, you'll never be me as I'll never be you, whatever you're.


The only thing we have in common is that both our countries suck, Portugal and Greece.


Cheers! :)

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Again... no you're not. Stop pretending to be fg, you'll fail...

I don't know why you keep this farse of pretending to be me and even using my real name and location, what the hell? I'm that really worth of impersonating? I feel like a star :)


It's disgusting to see what you wrote, you could have opened the server with the same name without trying to impersonate someone, you'll never be me as I'll never be you, whatever you're.


The only thing we have in common is that both our countries suck, Portugal and Greece.


Cheers! :)

If he is you or not the only thing that matters is that evoke is going to be a good destination to play at summer and you cant change this.players want to play dont care that much who owns or not...

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potential server of the year if its real and have no fail donation one of good retail c6.many people already make their packages for it


...again it's not real. It's some l2 server running from noobs and wanna-bes evoke and me.

Whoever wants to talk with me, feel free to add me on skype 'efegue', I'll gladly prove that the person using my account here on mxc is false.


I tried to contact maxtor to give my account back, but looks like it's a no go.

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If he is you or not the only thing that matters is that evoke is going to be a good destination to play at summer and you cant change this.players want to play dont care that much who owns or not...


Yeah, the thing is that he claims everything is like the old evoke, you're forgetting that. It won't have the same quality, the files are not the same and the owner of the project is not the same, so you can't expect the same quality. Just saying.

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Yeah, the thing is that he claims everything is like the old evoke, you're forgetting that. It won't have the same quality, the files are not the same and the owner of the project is not the same, so you can't expect the same quality. Just saying.

just ignore this then,like you said above people will understand if its old evo or not and they choose if they want to play or not

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just ignore this then,like you said above people will understand if its old evo or not and they choose if they want to play or not


I can't just ignore him pretending to be me and also using my real name like that's nothing, if he just stopped doing that I would be fine with it.

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