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- You can add to manage the Hero points or the next hero who is first etc...

- Top list (Adena - weapon ++ - Materials)

This is for low rate servers maybe someone dont want to login ingame or dont want to have for (adena materials) on website

i think will be awesome...Full admin panel!

Posted (edited)


- You can add to manage the Hero points or the next hero who is first etc...

- Top list (Adena - weapon ++ - Materials)

This is for low rate servers maybe someone dont want to login ingame or dont want to have for (adena materials) on website

i think will be awesome...Full admin panel!


Thanks for sugestion Vagrancy™. I next version I will add the options. But at the moment I will take a breake because of some personal issue. In 2-3 days I will come with the new version.

Edited by xeL

New version released - v2.1


Change Log:

-Added option to manage olympiad (added button "Olympiad Manager") (ideea from Vagrancy™, thank you)
1. Option to view current heroes
2. Option to edit points and matches for current olympiad players

- Added button "Top List Items" with following options: (ideea from Vagrancy™, thank you)

1. Option to view by item id the bigest amount in server
2. Option to view bigest enchant in server by item id


New version released - v2.2


Change log:


Option v2.2
-Added button "Siege Manager" with following options: (ideea from PARADISE and Nightw0lf, thank you)
1. View Next time siege
3. Castel owner
4. Tax rate
5. Shop Income
6. Change Next siege time by castle name
- Changed "About" form
- Added "Lineaege II" logo for more friendly design


How about a option to give to clan "xxx" the clan hall "yyy" by clan name and clan hall id.

And you can add also : kick player "zzz"


For clan hall can be posible but kick player for moment no because I need to manage packet send to cached. Still working on that.


New version released - v2.3


Change log:


Option v2.3

- At Siege Manager added option to view Castle ID too.

*Added button "Clan Manager" with following options:
-View/Edit Clan: Name/ID(view only)/Points/Castle(view only)/Level
-View/Edit Clan Hall owner by clan ID. (ideea by Outlaw™, thank you)


(For download w8 for confirmation on download section.)

Posted (edited)

New version released - v2.3.1


Change log:


Option V2.3.1

-Fixed clan hall owner change (now you can add clan hall to a clan by clan name and clan hall id)
-Added option to view/edit clan ruler
-Added option to view castle id (in Siege Manager Section)
-Added option to add castle to a clan by castle ID


(For download w8 for confirmation on download section.Till than download from here: http://www.4shared.com/zip/vaHOvFe6/L2OFFGMPanel_v231.html)

Edited by xeL

Well my project got to a point where I need some help. I'm not a professional coder but I can handle for my needs ,so here is my request: I'M LOOKING FOR A SKILLED C# PROGRAMER TO WORK WITH FOR MANAGE THE CACHED PACKETS , SO PLEASE IF ANY ONE WHO WANA HELP PLEASE CONTACT ME HERE OR skype: xel121, email: l2xguard@live.com.


Thank you in advance!

Best Regards

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