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If every server is crap, what then?

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Complaining about a game instead of starting learn how to play properly is way more easier and the old skilled players already left that game meanwhile most of the players nowdays are unskilled.

Perhaps nowdays the word "unbalanced" is the main symbol of those players, that once they die from some classes start complain and full spam the topics in the private section of maxcheaters without describing the real issue and no matter if the server is in beta-phase.

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Complaining about a game instead of starting learn how to play properly is way more easier and the old skilled players already left that game meanwhile most of the players nowdays are unskilled.

Perhaps nowdays the word "unbalanced" is the main symbol of those players, that once they die from some classes start complain and full spam the topics in the private section of maxcheaters without describing the real issue and no matter if the server is in beta-phase.


Maybe that sentence was right, but I am sorry Gries but we cannot accept your statements here, since we know you like children... (Pedobear DETECTED)

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Perhaps nowdays the word "unbalanced" is the main symbol of those players, that once they die from some classes start complain and full spam the topics in the private section of maxcheaters without describing the real issue and no matter if the server is in beta-phase.


Just look at DotA with their hard counter system... Plenty of crybabies creating topics such as


"Amg tuk Skywrath Mage ind git rekked bai Antimage!!!11@@@ AM OP PLZ BAN ALL antimage players AND NERF AM!!!2221"


BTW: Your avatar is offensive. Will have to report this.

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I believe you slowly lose interest for the game, then eventually you will stop but will come back from time to time to play some more. I think it has to do with what you like most and how much you are addicted to the game.

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i agree with u ppl but i have one question....there many 'PRO' developers out there also in this forum why they dont make any good server?


The '.online' syndrome.


If at any point of time the server population falls below 50, then players will leave and never return.


So while on launch you have at least 100+, after first nightfall you might have 0. And with 0, you cannot attract any new players. All you can do is make up a new name, buy a new domain and try to attract more people on launch; or make launch time at ~21:00-22:00 UTC: the perfect time for EU West & NA East/West. That allows you to artificially prolong the 'launch playerbase' stage of your server.

Of course, after a few nightfalls you might have to deal with issues like only having ~20-30 players during the day and 0 at night. But if you manage to survive and never fall into teens (19-) or below (9-), you can congratulate yourself on having established a server.


Anyway, if those 'good devs' would have been smart like me and made themselves known, they could simply announce the 99th reincarnation of their server and be swarmed by hordes of players like every time.

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Anyway, if those 'good devs' would have been smart like me and made themselves known, they could simply announce the 99th reincarnation of their server and be swarmed by hordes of players like every time.

Assuming that what Devs want is to have a l2 server with people and/or get money.

I personally enjoy more when I code something, and test if it works, and knowing why that error appeared, and solving it, than seeing how the players use it, or opening my own server.


Other "devs" what only want is to make money and can do what u just said about reopening thousand of times the same server just to get money... that for me... isn't a "dev"...

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Assuming that what Devs want is to have a l2 server with people and/or get money.

I personally enjoy more when I code something, and test if it works, and knowing why that error appeared, and solving it, than seeing how the players use it, or opening my own server.


Other "devs" what only want is to make money and can do what u just said about reopening thousand of times the same server just to get money... that for me... isn't a "dev"...

True, but not everyone is opening a server for money. And yet servers die due to community... not because of the owner/dev.

Still you are right.

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Well l2 community never was better, really the worst community of all online games. But what have ruined the fame of private l2 servers is the fact that every kid opens l2 servers.

Coudn't agree more with you dude.Well said.

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i agree with u ppl but i have one question....there many 'PRO' developers out there also in this forum why they dont make any good server?

Well, I have about slowly 7+ years of experience of L2 java programming. Was/and am leader of X generations of L2Emu, also was an Aion Lightning leader, was member of Aion Unique, and I could list my ranks and titles to eternity. So I think I could call myself as "one of these 'PRO' devs". Well in past ALL my servers failed on advertisements and on the ".online" syndrome. At startup usually I had 0-5 player(s).


So in 2012, when I decided myself to make a server again I used PAYED advertisements. So I had 25 players online on startup (and about 200-250 in database), and so I spent about 250~$ to advertisements. (toplists, forums, etc) anyway that server failed ALSO on ".online" syndrome, coz all player who entered world simply pressed ".online" and closed game in same second. So, if the asshole, whore, damned, bitch dear players need 250+ players to stay, I should spend 2500~$ on every week. WHAT IS SIMPLY DOESN'T WORTH.


But the number of players, just one problem. The other problems was listed by me on my previous posts, aka the "stuffy players who gay-loves their standards".


But in short, to answer to your question, that why clever devs doesn't have server, it's simply. Players refuses their creativity and players rather plays on 13years old kids servers with full buffer, gmshop, ggk. So, to make a "good server", is impossible. Or possible, just without players. ^^


PS: Oh, and don't forget to mention. Our beautiful, graceful, powerful, dear players has no ability READ. I can even write ANYTHING to my website, they SURELY won't read it. Try it, put HUUUGE exploits to the MAIN PAGE of your site with 20++ size red fonts, players will NEVER USE THEM! :)

PS2: But I really don't understand their idiotic logic. If players need players, why the hell they close game? They should simply sit on their ass and play and wait, and if every player would think that way, the ".online" syndrome would NEVER appear..

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PS2: But I really don't understand their idiotic logic. If players need players, why the hell they close game? They should simply sit on their ass and play and wait, and if every player would think that way, the ".online" syndrome would NEVER appear..


It is the classical chicken-and-egg problem:

Each player only plays on a server if there are other players playing on that server.

To get a single player, you must have a large number of players already playing on your server.


Truthfully, some players do hang around the servers they choose to play on. But you can only play a deserted MMO for so long...


As I said – it is best to have some loyal players from various parts of the world hanging around your server (even if doing nothing except responding to new player chat messages) at the start. Otherwise it does not matter what type of server you have – normal gameplay, high rate, NubakasGR (unlimited buff slots; each buff gets its own, so OL, WC and Proph buffs do not replace each other) or fully customized; even if you coded your server to have pure solo gameplay to help maintain those first players.


L2 is an old game. The fact that you need a SSD to play it (as is constantly reminded by the NA community) really gets in the way.


Not to mention with GG L2 is really, really shitty. Without GG *surprise* you can actually play it with a HDD and even 5++box without any issues. No SSD = No wars though.

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L2 is an old game ,have low community but i really love this game.I am 17 year old and i play l2 for 9 years and i still want to play.Whatever ppl say i believe that i am not the only one thinking like that.

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It is the classical chicken-and-egg problem:

Each player only plays on a server if there are other players playing on that server.

To get a single player, you must have a large number of players already playing on your server.


Truthfully, some players do hang around the servers they choose to play on. But you can only play a deserted MMO for so long...


As I said – it is best to have some loyal players from various parts of the world hanging around your server (even if doing nothing except responding to new player chat messages) at the start. Otherwise it does not matter what type of server you have – normal gameplay, high rate, NubakasGR (unlimited buff slots; each buff gets its own, so OL, WC and Proph buffs do not replace each other) or fully customized; even if you coded your server to have pure solo gameplay to help maintain those first players.


L2 is an old game. The fact that you need a SSD to play it (as is constantly reminded by the NA community) really gets in the way.


Not to mention with GG L2 is really, really shitty. Without GG *surprise* you can actually play it with a HDD and even 5++box without any issues. No SSD = No wars though.

True. Or could be called also as a never-ending-loop. (If I want players, I need players, but for players I need players.)

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