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[H5] Beauty Shop Npc

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Hey everyone,


here is another share. Hope you like it: GOD Beauty Shop NPC




Clientside only. I used the texturefiles of l2media to keep the file as small as possible. therefore: texturecredits - l2media. rest by me.


>>> Download <<<


Have Fun!

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  • 4 months later...

Good evening everybody,


a special task for you all :D

somebody know why the NPC do not have social action ingame? just standing there like paralyzed without any move.

what could it be?



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  • 6 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

A bit offtopick can i ask how can you see the npc in the nv list? my npc doesn't apper. I have to add the animations, textures by hand.(dev mode :P). Anyways great share mate :)

aw mybad this post is really old hehe :P

Edited by domis045
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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Hi, I know it's an old topic but maybe someone will be able to help me out. When the NPC is spawned it freezes the game for 3-5 seconds. Any solution to that please?

Edited by Sybar
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