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In this topic we discuss about a random champion every 2 days. During these 2 days you can express your thoughs regarding that particular champion or ask questions about him.




1. You're not allowed to talk about an earlier champion. This means that if champion of the day is e.g Jayce, you're not allowed to talk about a champion that was discussed before or reply to someone talking about e.g. Poppy.

2. English only

3. No flame, spam, off-topics etc...











So, our first champion is Diana.


She is a fun to play AP assassin, that is usually seen in the mid lane. However, she is sometimes played in the jungle or even top from time to time.



Personally, I think that this is justified since she terrifying 1v1 when she hits 6 and can roam exceptionally. In the top lane she is not ideal, since she lacks escapes, and cannot burst tanky top laners easily. As a jungler, she is a rare situational pick, since she cannot build the expensive items she needs, unless she gets too many kills, which happens once in a blue moon. (Didn't notice the pun, until I had re-read that sentence l0l)


Up to you... Share your thoughs about her!


Same thoughts here. But I would like to add that Diana as jungler is really OP when she reaches 6 lvl. (OP i mean, good) Because with her ulti she can go straight to her enemy and with her E bring him back if he runs away or something. Also, she is very fast in jungle cuz of her passive which deals extra dmg on the 3rd simple hit. As a mid laner, she is really good there as well cuz when his opponent goes away for b, or something diana can gang other lanes!


That's my opinion!^_^




I disagree, Diana is great for top against bruisers. Obviously you not going to build an olaf or malphite with it but the likes of zed,riven,renekton,teemo,rumble can be beaten pretty easily. As for jungler its not optimal but not because of the lack of kills but because of the s3 meta where junglers build aura items.


so everytime Fortuna should change the title or what? :P


Let's try this and see... If it looks messy, then I'll try to think of another way to get it done.


btw, I'm now getting a number to change the champion... Let's see ;p


Warwick ;p


He is a bruiser that benefits from items that offer tankiness, cdr, magic damage and magic penetration. He is usually played top or jungle, but he is currently considered a weak pick at both. At top he suffers from mana issues and inability to push and farm under his turret. In the jungle, he cannot easily apply lane pressure pre-6, which is actually really bad at current meta.


However, he becomes an unkillable beast late game, that is gonna hunt you down to death.




Personally, I like to play him as a jungler when I feel bored and just wanna farm all game l0l. For runes I usually run Magic Pen/AS marks, Armor seals, MR per level glyphs and MS quints. For masteries I run 9/21/0 with magic pen in offense. Sometimes, I run 9/0/21 or 0/9/21 for the bonus exp mastery in the utility tree, just to get lvl 6 faster.


A common full build for ww would be... 1. Sorc Shoes, 2. Wit's End, 3. Sunfire Cape, 4. Spirit Visage, 5. Frozen Heart, 6. Guardian Angel.


That's not necessarily the best build, just a solid one that would work in most games. As you can see, I get every single stat I mentioned earlier and max CDR.


Warwick yeah has issues with his mana.. but don't forget that he can stay/push more than his opponet because of his passive/Q. Also if you build a bit tanky/hp/ad in the beginning such as buying frozen mallet as first item ww really rocks. I've tried the same setup many times and most of the games which I played it with this setup I won it.


Also when ww reaches 6 lvl its easy to catch their adc, or the one who deals most of the dmg. He is both tanky/and damage dealer.


played  with ww yesterday with ad and flat armor runes, utility 9/0/21 masteries.

i rushed a botrk but it wasn't comfortable, i think zephyr would be better for aggressive item


warwick is like olaf

when he gets buffed he will be played again


if i would play warwick in the top lane i might go 30/0/0 and go mpen & armpen

but i would test this in normals first :p

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