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Hey guys! I will join ranked games in a week but i have a question..


I heard about some games you play to join a division! They are 10, and as i saw from another post at MxC, if you win all of them you start from silver 1! Yea, that's possible, some friends of mine also told me that!


So, my question is.. If i win for example 9 of them, or 8 of them, will i start from Silver (any division) or from Bronze?


Please, if anyone knows that, post it here! It would help me and other ranked newbies a lot!




If you win all of them you start as Gold. On EUW I won 8 out of 10 and got Silver 2.


The christmass I had about 6-4 and started as gold I


i got 10-0 started at silver 1 +75 points.


It doesn't really go with the matches, but your mmr, even at 0 games you have an mmr which is calculted with your clans elo and your previus season elo... If you char just became 30 level your mmr is low no matter if you do 15-0 the max you can go if you are lucky is gold V


i got 10-0 started at silver 1 +75 points.

I made 8-2 and i got 1485 elo,means silver 1.


Note:This happend only when you havent play ranked yet.


It has to do with your enemies also. If you get higher elo enemies you will get more pts so you might get gold also ) One guy premade with plat , won 10/10 and he went to gold IV


The christmass I had about 6-4 and started as gold I


Maybe you had high MMR from previous season. We're talking about accounts with no ranked history here ;p


Really thanks to all! I haven't played any ranked games yet! I'm almost 30 lvl so in about a week i will start ranked! I will try to do my best with these games but i've heard 10-0 is way too difficult! Thanks anyway!


Really thanks to all! I haven't played any ranked games yet! I'm almost 30 lvl so in about a week i will start ranked! I will try to do my best with these games but i've heard 10-0 is way too difficult! Thanks anyway!


So since the problem solved.

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If you need anything else just gimme a pm to unlock it.

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