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Hi All,


Is there any way to know how many users are connected to any server using the IP address of the server?

I remember a webpage a couple of years ago which one you enter the IP and the Port and show you currently users, how many with Private Store and how many was the max online.


Is there any other web/program available?




Hi All,


Is there any way to know how many users are connected to any server using the IP address of the server?

I remember a webpage a couple of years ago which one you enter the IP and the Port and show you currently users, how many with Private Store and how many was the max online.


Is there any other web/program available?




thats totally server side you cant just access to such data from a website without given access.


And then how can you explain this?




They are able to see online counter on the retail server.

And remember another webpage that was able to do it with any server.. and the numbers were real..


thats official man think a bit :)


thats official man think a bit :)


what official fool, u can create smth like that on your server's website too


what official fool, u can create smth like that on your server's website too


On YOUR servers website, read again hes question and what i answered for the 1st time...jeez your annoying. And the site he linked is the only site where you can check the amount of players on NA retail.


On YOUR servers website, read again hes question and what i answered for the 1st time...jeez your annoying. And the site he linked is the only site where you can check the amount of players on NA retail.


yes, and the link he game is THEIR website moron


yes, and the link he game is THEIR website moron


i dont even go there to argue with you, you dont understand anything from this topic so feel free to rage some more. peace


i dont even go there to argue with you, you dont understand anything from this topic so feel free to rage some more. peace



Anyway here is what you ask I've found an example and you of course need to connect to the server's db. There's no alternative.




*  Online Players PHP Script 
*  Created By Cr1MsOn
*  For Any Bug Contact With Me
*  Email: Tasos_d3ser@hotmail.com
* *************************************************************/

/***** Variables *****/
$database_hostname = "localhost";
$database_username = "root";
$database_password = "";
$database_name= "l2jdb";
/***** Code *****/
$connect = mysql_connect("$database_hostname", "$database_username", "$database_password") or die("Could Not Connect To Database : " . mysql_error());
$database_select = mysql_select_db("$database_name") or die("Could Not Select a Database");

$onlineplayers = mysql_query("SELECT online FROM characters where online='1'") or die("Query For Online Players Failed" . mysql_error());
$online = mysql_num_rows($onlineplayers);

echo "Online Players: $online";

  /***** Mysql Close *****/


*  Online Gm's PHP Script 
*  Created By Cr1MsOn
*  For Any Bug Contact With Me
*  Email: Tasos_d3ser@hotmail.com
* *************************************************************/

/***** Variables *****/

$database_hostname = "localhost";
$database_username = "root";
$database_password = "";
$database_name= "l2jdb";

/***** Code *****/

$connect = mysql_connect("$database_hostname", "$database_username", "$database_password") or die("Could Not Connect To Database : " . mysql_error());
$database_select = mysql_select_db("$database_name") or die("Could Not Select a Database");

$gmlist = mysql_query("SELECT accesslevel, char_name FROM characters where online='1' AND accesslevel > '1'") or die("Query For Online Gm\'s\' Failed" . mysql_error());

$online = mysql_num_rows($gmlist);
$gms = mysql_fetch_array($gmlist);
echo "Online Gm's: $online</br>";
echo $gms['char_name'];

/***** Mysql Close *****/


lineage2.es should be an official website, not some random l2 site


my point is that you can make everything on your website by just connecting it with the gameserver, but as far as I understood the author's request he wants a general website where you enter the server's IP and you check its activity, thats impossible...


my point is that you can make everything on your website by just connecting it with the gameserver, but as far as I understood the author's request he wants a general website where you enter the server's IP and you check its activity, thats impossible...


mnow you say its impossible yet before you flamed me for saying that...jesus christ your stupidity is epic...


mnow you say its impossible yet before you flamed me for saying that...jesus christ your stupidity is epic...


go read again kiddo :gtfo:

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