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Promo Code - Donation Npc

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Well, it is really simple to code something like that, but as far as it is cheap it may help newbie server owners.


yes its very simple, activeChar.sendMessage(rnd.get(9999)+"-"+rnd.get(9999)+"-"+rnd.get(9999)+"-"+rnd.get(9999);


Instead of trashtalking, go ahead and make it, and I will share it for free if you succeed

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Well, it is really simple to code something like that, but as far as it is cheap it may help newbie server owners.


so, are you gonna make it or not ?

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so, are you gonna make it or not ?


Why should I spend time to create something already created and shared? Storing in the databse is the hard part? Well, it is not.


I am not gonna spend time to impress a kid on a foroum. But, I can spend time to teach you Java if you ask me nicely.



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Why should I spend time to create something already created and shared? Storing in the databse is the hard part? Well, it is not.


I am not gonna spend time to impress a kid on a foroum. But, I can spend time to teach you Java if you ask me nicely.



kids like you shouldn't get money from their parents to get access to an internet caffe and log to mxc and start saying shits
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Why should I spend time to create something already created and shared? Storing in the databse is the hard part? Well, it is not.


I am not gonna spend time to impress a kid on a foroum. But, I can spend time to teach you Java if you ask me nicely.




guess, no db connections, and if you want just share it, ur not doing my favor

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  • 4 weeks later...

Seems , easy code and not something special only html.

btw i think you can find something like this, shared or something to help you to create it.

Anyway gl


Your incappable for the 5% of it

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