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hellbound [L2RT HIGH FIVE] L2 EternalFight x15 - Fresh start in the end of May!

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online reaches 750+, so it almost doubled after this weekend. sieges every weekend, so lots of fun, still no lags, gms helpful ingame, lots of events, good server really

good dog!!good review take reward!!


I recommend this server for new players for the old school players for everyone. No lags, every day is community higher. Just try to log in and you will see.


for m0f0 - thank you for your support. This forum need guys like you


It also needs dogs like you and other retarded ppl who post good reviews just to take a fuking reward! why y didnt post here before that fail event from stalone??now go pla in your fail server like a good dog!!


More and more shops in Giran



XD Stalone stop make fake shops ppl don't come in your fail server :D



Server make 50 votes daily in hopzone and topzone u are sure have ppl there ? is good if Stalone reward u for vote not for fake post here :D





lol all those 1-5 post users with good words about server :D pathetic server , pathetic admin. 15 online in server gf


15 online ? :) nice joke


bugs actively fixed by gms even ingame, market alive, totally lagfree server, not dominated by single ally, more and more people starting to play here, i recommend this rly.


bugs actively fixed by gms even ingame, market alive, totally lagfree server, not dominated by single ally, more and more people starting to play here, i recommend this rly.


we dont care dog...


For those who CARE in which server they are going to spend their time, can read below. All other haters, go to their lol-servers and QQmoar^^

Finally, stalone's project reached its TOP. There is 0 lag, files are just awesome.. pathfinding rocks, balance is more than sufficient, and community only rises:))

You are looking for a stable server with all the features u need? You found it, join us and lets have fun^^



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