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hellbound [L2RT HIGH FIVE] L2 EternalFight x15 - Fresh start in the end of May!

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advice for next event:

flame the other servers, make a flame topic in mxc for every other h5 server and you will recive 50 coins.


Stalone, i didnt expected from you to go so low.. :)


advice for next event:

flame the other servers, make a flame topic in mxc for every other h5 server and you will recive 50 coins.


Stalone, i didnt expected from you to go so low.. :)

what do you want fatass? better go fix ddos


lol make more bot accs to say good words for your fail server!! good job stalone!!!


stuney:gr8 server, no lags, activ gm, events ! like it

sheyed:Server is growing up every day. Many players, clans. Admins/GMs are good and care about L2etf. If you're looking for a good midrate server - join!

botkje:ery good serwer. Real online, 0 lags, active events , active gms. I will recommend this server to the end of my life

kien:ery good serwer. Real online, 0 lags, active events , active gms. I will recommend this server to the end of my life


all from poland and with 1 post!!!so fuking LAME...

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