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hellbound [L2RT HIGH FIVE] L2 EternalFight x15 - Fresh start in the end of May!

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EternalFgiht Facebook Page:



Grand Opening:

Friday 31 May2013!




- Exp/SP: x15

- Party EXP/SP rate: x2

- Adena: x15

- Drop/Spoil: x10

- Quest items Drop: x4 (not all quests)

- Quest rewards: Items x1, Exp x4, adena x4 (not all quests)

- Event Medal Drop: 100%

- Event Glittering Medal Drop: 6%

- RB Drop: x5

- Grandboss Drop: Chance x1, am-beep-t x3, adena x4, jewels x1

- Rate Extract Fish: x4

- Champions: 4% Chance to spawn Champion Mob , 20-75 level mobs can be champions.

- Manor: x2

- Knights Epaluette drop: x7 (25-35 guards, 700-1000 all captains)

- Fame Rate: x2 (60 reputation every 5 minutes in Fortresses, 300 reputation every 5 minutes in Castle Sieges)

- Safe Enchant: 3

- Max Enchant: 16

- Normal Scroll Enchant Rate: 56%

- Blessed Scroll Enchant Rate: 60%

- Element Stone Rate: 50%

- Element Crystal Rate: 30%

- Hellbound level: 11


Features & Customs:


- Max Buff slots: 28 (+4 Divine Inspiration)

- Dances & Songs: 12

- Trigger Buffs: 12

- Buff time: 2h

- Mana Potions 1650mp restore, reuse 8s

- Shift click in mobs to see their droplist, Images included.

- Auto Loot: Enabled

- Auto Loot from Raids: Disabled

- Drop Protection: Enabled

- Spoil & Drop from blue mobs: Enabled

- Player Spawn Protection: 30 Seconds

- Max Subclasses: 3

- Max Subclass Level: 85

- Subclass Without Quest

- Nobless with retail Quest

- Olympiad Period is 2 Weeks, every 1 and 15 new heroes.

- Class Master in CB, Villages & Towns

- Auto Learn Skills excluding FGS


Server NPCs


- Global Gatekeeper

With all Villages & Towns, Hellbound/Continent/SOD/SOA/SOI/Delusion/Primeval/Parnasus, TOI and Necropolis/Catacombs teleport areas.

- [banks] Hellbound Teleporter

Teleporter Banks located in Giran-Aden-Goddard-Rune and in all areas of Hellbound, you can use him to teleport everywhere you wish in Hellbound area, you can buy HB map from General Merchant shop.

- [server Service Manager] General Merchant Shop

Up to S-Grade Weapons, Armors, Jewels, includes AA Covertor and Gold Bank, Clan Section with clan items for 3-4-5 clan level and clan skill eggs, also consumables/soulshots/spiritshots and low level Pets & Wolves section and also low grade Hair Accessories.

- [server Service Manager] Event Merchant Shop

Event Reward NPC located in Giran-Aden-Goddard-Rune, you can trade on him Festival Adena acquired from TvT,Last Hero,GvG,CtF events, Vote Coins acquired from Vote Reward System, Event - Medals and Event - Glittering Medals acquired from monsters and also provides Gold Bank services as well.

- [Marcela] NPC Buffer

All buffs: PP,SE,EE,WH,WC,OL,BD,SWS,Cats without kamael, includes schemes addiing/removing, full CP/HP/MP heal. All buffs are free

- Merchant of Mammon, Blacksmith of Mammon

Custom Mammons which allow you to use every function that normal Mammons have and you can use them in towns as well without seven signs period to finish.

- Shadai, Ishuma, Lahm Blacksmiths

Located in Giran-Aden towns, with unique and easy readable design that can service fast on your requests.

- Derek, Clan and Alliance Manager

NPC Derek located in Giran-Aden-Goddard and offers Clan & Alliance services and usefull info with unique design.

- Jack Sage

Event-NPC Jack Sage located in Giran-Aden-Goddard-Rune, you can get every 6 hours vitality from him.

- Master Yogi

Event-NPC Master Yogi located in Giran-Aden-Goddard-Rune.

- Strategist Lucien

Event-NPC Strategist Lucien located in Giran-Aden-Goddard-Rune and you can exchange your PC Bang points on him from the PC Bang event

- Item Broker

Item Auctions with balanced items configured to Vesper Noble Armors/Vesper Weapons no SA/Vesper Jewels/Crystals 15-16, NOT Vorpals/Eligia (vorpals will be added in auction after 3weeks of server start)!

- Hades - Server Services

Delevel - Change Name - Clean PK Services from Hades!


Community Board, ALT+B


By pressing ALT+B you can view eternalfight's community server, with usefull information and fanctions:

-  Server Announcements

-  Class Manager

-  Server Features

-  Active Events registration & full information

-  Useful Commands

-  Server Statistic, Top PvP/PK/Online/Clans/Castles

-  Server Staff

-  Donation Information

-  Website link

-  Forum link


Quests & Instances


- All High Five zones are working.

- All High Five quests are working including Seven Signs series.

- Seven Signs: Epic quests and instances working.

- Many High Five features are working.

- Resist formulas retail-like

- Territorial Wars

- Siegable Clanhalls

- Seed of Infinity

- Seed of Destruction

- Seed of Anihilation

- Chamber of Delusion

- Kamaloka instaces

- Pailaka instances

- Crystal Caverns

- Tower of Naia

- Steel Citadel

- Tully's Workshop

- Hellbound Town

- Dark Cloud Mansion

- Fortress/Castle

- Zaken easy and hard

- Freya easy and hard

- Frintezza


Active Events


- Team vs Team

- Gang vs Gang

- Capture the Flag

- Last Hero

- Master of Enchanting

- Heavy Medal

- Gift of Vitality

- PC Bang Points

- Vote Reward System


Full information about server events can be found here.


Other information


- Moirai/Vesper/Vorpal items, recipes and parts drop rate lowered, but still reasonable for the server's rates.

By this way such equipments will not be a 1-2day farm, and gameplay will be more intresting.

- All talismans work.

- PC Bang points system.

- Olympiad: New stadiums, match details, match spectation and olympiad quests are working retail like.

- Olympiad: Only 1 player per HWID can register. Class based minimum players to start: 9 / NonClass minimum players to start: 9 / Team-Games minimum players to start: 12.

- Olympiad Period: 2 weeks

- Crafting chances are retail

- Max Allowed boxes: 4 per HWID


- CUSTOM DDOS Protection up to 75GBPS


Server Commands


- .control | Character control panel.

- .changepwd | Changing your password from your Account.

- .repair | Use this command for issues logging your character, from another character from same account.

- .stats | Full information about statistic of your character

- .hellbound | Information about Hellbound currect level and your confidence.

- .online | Show the online players count.



Level 1 Clan halls offer Global Gatekeeper,General Merchant Shop, NPC Buffer

Level 2+3 Clan halls offer Global Gatekeeper,General Merchant Shop, NPC Buffer,Warehouse,Blacksmith



All Conquerable Clan halls offer Global Gatekeeper,General Merchant Shop, NPC Buffer x2, Warehouse,Blacksmith



All Fortresses offer Global Gatekeeper,General Merchant Shop, NPC Buffer,Warehouse,Blacksmith




Register in our forum www.l2etf.com/forum , to read much more useful information for eternalfight and discuss with members.


Haters gonna hate.

Btw everyone deserves one second try (I wont count L2-Astaroth, cause you managed few things).

Anyway good luck.


thank you very much, i hope everything i didnt managed to prove on wfr we will prove it here on eternalfight


as for the haters gonna hate thats for sure, the reason i made that topic was just for to advertise server i know what will happen actually all server owners with their bot accounts will spam it like hell with bad words , so i wont make any other reply here, these are the features of the server for more info on our forums , you can find and contact us at www.l2etf.com.


see you everyone on 19 april


Welcome to everyone.


Our server use a hard worked files which will make you feel like when you are playing an off server.

Me and my team will support the right work of files for this server.


See you in game



Good features but too bad is stalone server. tired of all the lag,corruption and lies . i smell the 100 fail but lets see . hopefully u learned something from the past if not ... another fail in few days will be closed. i wont give it a try just because i know ur 100 fails before this one.


Good features but too bad is stalone server. tired of all the lag,corruption and lies . i smell the 100 fail but lets see . hopefully u learned something from the past if not ... another fail in few days will be closed. i wont give it a try just because i know ur 100 fails before this one.


Not stalone will manage it so you shouldnt be afraid. I will.


Not stalone will manage it so you shouldnt be afraid. I will.


Oh that makes me feel better .



And who are you . Why should we trust you when we all know how stalone server's are made . Geez that makes me "alot better" if u "manage it " . GL with ur server . wont give it a try sry . Stalone or stalone's friends servers are doomed to fail badly in few days . corruption / lag / bugs / fake online ? no tnx .


Ok ok i see the drama has begun..

Besides that :

as most of you noticed on wfr except some minor issues that wroten in our forums and we fixed it during these days.

Minor issues my ass , i found 3 important bugs in 1 day and u fixed them , and continue saying ''no big bugs yet , our files are da best sh1t''

and stuff like that.

Once again u are so arrogant and say ''best files'' .For this u can't success .  :-beep- yeah:

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