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hellbound [L2J PRIV FILES]L2 Apollon X1000 FUN PVP Server (LIVE)

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Gaming and Fun is not a crime

Lineage 2 Apollon

Dear L2Apollon and Lineage 2 fans,You like the x20 mid rate server? L2Apollon team is creating an  new project x1000 server Many player are boring mid rate servers but they are tired of low rate lineage 2 so L2apollon team create a unique x1000 server without many boring think of low rate like sublcass quest or mana problems or class change quests! We wait all of you inside to check our project and we wish all of you to have fun and enjoy our server!  Some info about our server can be found below, it's not all but the most critical, the rest you have to explore it alone when you join us! Check also what unique features L2Apollon has to offer to players! What we offer in L2Apollon is an experienced Team that knows coding in java, knows how to secure a server and knows Lineage2 from player's point of view.


Gm only phase 10/1/13

Beta phase 29/1/13

Grand opening  01/02/2013 and time 21:00 GMT+2 !!



Website: l2apollon.com

Forum: forum.l2apollon.com

Facebook Fan Page: www.facebook.com/pages/L2Apollon-Server/445566442169804


Server Machine :

Technology: Sandy Bridge E

CPU: Intel Xeon E5-1620

Cores / Threads: 4 / 8

Frequency: 3.6GHz / 3.8GHz Turbo Boost


Hard disk: 2x 2TB SATA3

Cisco Hardware Firewall against DDoS


Server Info and Features :



Full High Five with private java server files (professional paid development team)

No custom items

Active and Helpful Gms!



XP/ SP: x1000

Party XP/ SP: x1200

Adena: x1000

Spoil: x15

Buff Slots: 24+4 from Divine Inspirations

12 Dances/Songs slots

EnchantSafeMax = 6

EnchantSafeMaxFull = 6

MaxEnchantLevel = 30



Geodata from L2GEO.org is the most known geodata development team in Russia.

Advanced cell pathfinding


Fully implemented

All Quest Work

All Instances Work (Freya Easy/Hard,Fritezza,Zaken daydream/difficult and Night,Soi twins,Kamaloka)

Working Hellbound

Working Chambers of Delusion

Working SOA-SOI

All Pailaka quests work

All Kamaloka instances work



Max Enchant Rate: +30

Safe Enchant Rate: +6

Normal Enchant Chance: 66%

Blessed Enchant Chance: 76%



Wedding Manager In Fantasy Island

Many TvT Events/Monthly Events


Anti-bot and client protection

Player And Server Protection

Full Anti-Hack & Anti-Bot System NO WALKER/ L2NET/ L2 DIVINE/ L2TOWER/ ETC.

Full Protected Server both Client and Server side



Offline shop

Players See Drop List On Mobs With Shift+Left Click

Npc Buffer With Out (Counter Critical,Dance of berz,Dance of Blade Storm,Song Of Purification,Song Of Wind Storm,Blood Pact,Dark Weapon,Pride of Kamael,Protection of darkness)



Starting  lvl 40!!

Offline shops With Different Color Name

Blue Mobs Can Spoiled

Mana Pots

Mobs Auto Loot

Auto Learn Skills

Subclass without quest

Max subclasses: 4

Max subclass level : 85

Champion Mobs (Name Npc : Apollon)



.expoff Disables XP SP earned

.expon Enable XP SP earned

.deposit Give 1 bil Get 1 Gold Bar

.withdraw Give 1 Gold Bar Get 1 bil

.changepassword Change Password In Game

.repair (If your character stuck use this command with another character in your account and your character is unstuck)

Check some pictures!


In this npc u can add any agument you want from pasive active etc! with some apollon coins








A re-re-re-refailed server opens on a brand brand new project (private as always) ? lmao sicking of this im always seeing your server with title brand new !


well i think they have x2 servers, this one is new so i don't think they re-opened it...


A re-re-re-refailed server opens on a brand brand new project (private as always) ? lmao sicking of this im always seeing your server with title brand new !

pack is brand new is not the same we use on x20! u can chect it on your own


pack is brand new is not the same we use on x20! u can chect it on your own


I'm trying it and seems to be ok, but community needs to grow! gl, I'll play here and if community doens't grow in some hours I'll quit


so this pack is brand new for pvp server? the only reason to get new files when u already have files, is that the new files are better than the old yes? so... the old files are worse than the new? so... you keep old/worse files on x20 and u have brand kickass hell-yeah new files on x1000?

Instead of answering with yes/no/fck off smartass, please answer with online number on x20 /x1000 will do the same for me... thanks in advance^


By the way, i see you applied in your server 2 shares , one is the delevel npc, and the other is the voice command .exp_on/off ..

since u applied the voice handler you can edit/remove the exp gain on/off from the npc ...

I say that both were shares and not coded by u, cause i cant think of any reason why to code 2 different functions (1 voicecommandhandler & 1 npc) doing the same thing.




so this pack is brand new for pvp server? the only reason to get new files when u already have files, is that the new files are better than the old yes? so... the old files are worse than the new? so... you keep old/worse files on x20 and u have brand kickass hell-yeah new files on x1000?

Instead of answering with yes/no/fck off smartass, please answer with online number on x20 /x1000 will do the same for me... thanks in advance^

bla bla bla bla bla

some dev selling pack they are saying ex:" that my pack is best for low/mid rate server" !

this pack is better for high rate pvp server!

i am not going to explain u why and all of this is u aer smartass u can understand at your own!

Bugs etc is the same u hard to find and we fix it fast as posible

so pls go away if u want to say bad this/act smart/or something on you mind that u think is good just dont is not!!

dont make this post offtopic spam!



u post at a public forum, u expect replies from everyone. not only from the 5-10-15-.. ok 20 ppl on ur server, to whom u promise reward for a good reply/comment on ur thread here.

And still u didnt comment on my 2nd post.. Admit that u applied shares, cause u cant even create a voicecommandhandler, or that u are so hardworker(or hmm ok ill stay with the hardworker so i wont use harsh words) that deliberately sat and coded the same things in 2 different ways.



Btw sincerely, because of the fact that im some hours now in the forum and checking some stuff.. my eyes got hurt from the lethal use of grammar you use. please improve it, make eng lessons, have sm1 else to write what u want, or let it go and stop posting^^ 

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