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[L2J]L2Arctic x3000 Reborn (MAX EQUIP Dynasty, NO CUSTOM)

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The server is ONLINE !!!


Also the server recieve last warning from me...


If admin of server keep spam on own and others ppl topics with bot accounts ill take care of it.


Useless server... coppy paste features from mxc w/o any changes... they dont have nothing special... only l2j server with shared npcs = server


Are you sure you are writing at the right post? Where on Maxcheaters, or on any High Rate PVP server online for that matter, did you see these features ?


As for Shared NPCs, all server use them why should we create our own NPC if they already exist and function well and we can use them?


Not to insult you or anything, but please think before posting and criticising other's work!






I dont insult noone its just my opinion about ur server... point.


what I wanted to say is that I have not seen this kind of features on any High Rate PVP server . And you saied that we just copy/paste the features. Show me from where?  O0


i dont login for this server , window on gameserver , click confrim and...


There was a problem with login for a couple of hours, but it is solved now.  You can login again !!!



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