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[Exploits] Various by GrisoM


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  • 2 weeks later...

I have done an update to my post

I add 1 more xploit and i also reorganize all the Bugs exploits and Tricks in the 1 post

[Expet Dupe cos there it was a post whit more than 20.000 letters]



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Thank's dude :] Yes I made 100 posts to see ur topic!

Thanks a lot! Some of them I used them long ago and some of them don't work for me...!

But some does :D

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The multiskill bug works also with Elf class so you can make a (a elf mage)/(a human mage) just do it almost the same but start with a elf mage. accept the human mage quest and get the item, go to lvl 76 get 3rd class and switch the class to a cleric ;) congrats your a Elf/Cleric

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  • 1 month later...

the 2 last posters ¬¬ what ever.. i am use to see noobs like u but OK LETS REZzzZzZZzZZzZ This Madafaking topic xD


Ok u may remember that looooOoOoOong time ago one dude post a way to breake the walls during sieges , even if it wasnt yours [by this i mind u can help your friends during their sieges when u r not register on it] well he just post a way to do it whit saggi... lets just say not evry one is saggi and i think that mages do best dmg to castle doors ;P well lets start to explain this BuuUuUUGGggGg


1 Do a mage (=D) well u remember that the bug was simple , u just need to target a friend Use stun skill and while the skill was being casted u just need to change target to the casttle door and vuala u start hiting the door , but come on 1 arrow is not same has 1 spell from sph :P


so the bug is basically the same just that u need to make it fast (mage skills are casted pretty fast if u think xD)


so what have i been trying (and work ^_^) was alternative ways to take the walls down whit mage

how? (here it rly start)


1 U will have to do 1 macro that auto target the castle door /target castledoor (Du’h >.<) that also inculdes after this target a macro of use /useskillforce (what ever u want)

2 well if u dont have artritis in your fingers u just have to do this fast :

2.1 Target anyone and use a lvl 1 skill (so u make 0 dmg) and  after this use the stupid macro u did before and what will u do?


U WILL HIT THE DOORRRRRRRRRRRR YHEAAAAA <.< >.> ok.. this is one way but if u have artritis in your fingers u just have to do something more stupid even ...


hit your friend whit lvl 1 skill an while u do this use the key impr pant petsis (take a few pics) and laaaaaaaaaag your game so when u do this lag u can target door and hit by yourself the door whit f1 + ctrl................................


Well That is it (i had good times destroying doors in any one siege xD)


so try and u will have fun BUT be careful if any one take pic u r ass is  Busted


W8888 i Forgot whit this u can breake any kind of wall (for example doors that keep mobs inside) why pass them whit my other bugs if u cant take it down >.< ( i know is more easy whit the stryder but u dont lose nothing by doing it)


I have try this in IL and HeLLBouND


Now yes SEE YA

agreed but any fighter breaks doors faster than mage,u just use a skill and then it just keeps attacking,with mage its 1 hit each time;)


best for this is TH or tyrant,lethal the door:P

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