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[Preview] My Custom Draconic Textures

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Hello, i would like you guys give an opinion about some Draconic Textures edited by me.

They are for Human Fighter only at this time, I'm finishing for the other class and i pretend release it soon.

I hope you guys like it =D



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are you sure thats the right section for it  ? -.-


it dosnt matter mods will change it later poor kid tell him at least its a good work xD


i like the mix of light blue grey and black ;) gj

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uhuh pretty cool mate :D nice work, u did it?

thanks, and yes, i did it :)


are you sure thats the right section for it  ? -.-

i think so. it's General Discussion, isn't it? and it's only a Preview, and not a share at this time.

if not sorry ;x


it dosnt matter mods will change it later poor kid tell him at least its a good work xD


i like the mix of light blue grey and black ;) gj

poor kid? ???

thanks anyway...

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Well If Im Not Mistaken Its The Same Textures With Demonic Armors.. ( Black Draconic )


But It's Ok..


Gratz.. Looks Really Nice...

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anyways i don't think that you made that armor b/c i seen it somewhere else...you should give credits if u got it from other forum...

I remember that armor was called Aqua Draconic...

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anyways i don't think that you made that armor b/c i seen it somewhere else...you should give credits if u got it from other forum...

I remember that armor was called Aqua Draconic...


i did it. and i didn't do that for credits, i do that because i like client modding. the textures are the same, i changed only the color

the one you are talking about is white, and not light green.

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