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[Share]League of Elo (InComplete)


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hey guys , I stoped coding this of lack of time (exams) so decided to share


I took the idea from here http://l2jesios.org/index.php?topic=2210.0


the code is totally in complete i just finished the 5vs5 solo match , need 10 players to register there is 2 teams blue and red

event area in coliseum  , once event start there are 2 turrets in each team and 1 nexus spawned

if you get inside radius 400 from the turrets you will get -1000 hp , if all enemy teams are dead turret wont do anything


you need to kill nexus in order to win


there are 2 ranks (ranked , unranked)



for each  match you win you get +15 points in order to be ranked you need to have 100 pionts


the code is messy and there may be  bugs


Patch :

You will ned to add new column in character and name it rank text and allow null

and excute this in your db

('10201', '29006', 'Blue Nexus', '1', '', '1', 'LineageMonster4.Divine_Rogue', '140', '75.00', '80', 'male', 'L2Npc', '40', '523', '87238', '378378', '378', '40', '43', '30', '21', '20', '20', '0', '0', null, null, null, null, '230', '1', '333', '0', '0', '0', '60', '120', '0', '0');
('10202', '29006', 'Red Nexus', '1', '', '1', 'LineageMonster4.Divine_Rogue', '140', '75.00', '80', 'male', 'L2Npc', '40', '523', '87238', '378378', '378', '40', '43', '30', '21', '20', '20', '0', '0', null, null, null, null, '230', '1', '333', '0', '0', '0', '60', '120', '0', '0')
('10203', '31690', 'Turret', '1', '', '1', 'LineageMonster4.Divine_Rogue', '24', '69', '80', 'male', 'L2Npc', '40', '523', '87238', '378378', '378', '40', '43', '30', '21', '20', '20', '0', '0', null, null, null, null, '230', '1', '333', '0', '0', '0', '60', '120', '0', '0')
('10204', '31690', 'Turret', '1', '', '1', 'LineageMonster4.Divine_Rogue', '24', '69', '80', 'male', 'L2Npc', '40', '523', '87238', '378378', '378', '40', '43', '30', '21', '20', '20', '0', '0', null, null, null, null, '230', '1', '333', '0', '0', '0', '60', '120', '0', '0')


and the code




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ugliest thing i ever seen.


I stoped reading after i saw this: rset.getString("rank") == ""

nex time try using String.isEmpty()



I don't even think == works for String objects.. I've had several errors in the past with this. You need to use equals(another string) or what Setekh said if you want to check that it's equal to nothing.


There are more stuff that are done in the wrong way, for example creating a new object of LeagueOfElo class to call a method or a variable(i don't even know if your variables are static and you call them through objects, check below why).


Also i noticed that LeagueOfElo class is missing from the diff :S

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ok code update , and as i said code is messy

You shouldn't have shared it, then, because many newbies are going to use it.


Anyway, nice try, keep up coding.

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Also, did you take some parts from raid engine?


// _log.warning("Raid Engine[spawnEventNpc(" + activeChar.getName() + ")]: exception: " + e.getMessage());

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As i said, your variables are static and you call them through object:


LeagueOfElo league = new LeagueOfElo();

+                       league.vs5reg(player);

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As i said, your variables are static and you call them through object:


LeagueOfElo league = new LeagueOfElo();

+                       league.vs5reg(player);

vs5reg() is not static

I will update code later


Changed all non-static methods to static also added res method in dodie method in pc instance


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vs5reg() is not static

I will update code later


Changed all non-static methods to static also added res method in dodie method in pc instance


You didn't quite understand me..


For example:

+               if (command.startsWith("five"))

+               {

+                       LeagueOfElo league = new LeagueOfElo();

+                       league.vs5reg(player);

+                       player.sendMessage("Registration Successful");

+                       if (league.vs5.size() == 10)

+                       {

+                               league.pick5v5();

+                       }

+               }


Here, it is unnecessary to make a new object of LeagueOfElo class, you can change pick5vs5() method and vs5reg() to static, and call them like this:



As well for vs5 variable which is static.


But my point is that you have not coded it in a good way. There are unused stuff in there and more.


You should have created for example an abstract class Match, and other classes afterwards that extend this class, to handle the 5vs5 match, 2vs2 and such. Also in Match class you should have abstract methods that all subclasses should override(must). So instead of this ugly code you would have a nice organized way to handle matches, using inheritance.



More stuff:


+                               ii.SetRankPts(ii.getRankPts() + 105);

+                               if (ii.getRankPts() == 100)

+                               {

+                                       ii.setRank("Ranked");

+                               }


if (ii.getRankPts() == 100)

This line is incorrect, you should check if it's >= 100 and if his rank is not Ranked (!ii.getRank().equals("Ranked")).

Also, here:


ii.SetRankPts(ii.getRankPts() + 105);


I think you meant 15..



Unused/Unneeded stuff:


+               if (isTurret())

+               {


+               }


+       public class Start implements Runnable

+       {

+               @Override

+               public void run()

+               {


+               }

+       }


+       public void createTeam(L2PcInstance a)

+       {


+       }

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You didn't quite understand me..


For example:

+               if (command.startsWith("five"))

+               {

+                       LeagueOfElo league = new LeagueOfElo();

+                       league.vs5reg(player);

+                       player.sendMessage("Registration Successful");

+                       if (league.vs5.size() == 10)

+                       {

+                               league.pick5v5();

+                       }

+               }

Yes I did that but didn't forget to edit the npc class

Here, it is unnecessary to make a new object of LeagueOfElo class, you can change pick5vs5() method and vs5reg() to static, and call them like this:



As well for vs5 variable which is static.

I updated it but dont know why da -beep- it didn't change


about the  points  +105 because of testing




anyway yes I sucked at this







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