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Hello guys , i think all you know me so because for the moment i have files for H5 Server i need one developer for help me to open it , i have stop my work with "Versus" and i am looking for one good developer with expirience and good skills.



If you want to contact me send me here pm or add me on skype : antwnic.deathlegend. I waiting you.




Necessarily Skills - Expirience


2-4 Years Developing

Age : 17-25 Years old

Need to know to install at linux server , good coding etc.

About payment we will talk about it from the begging of cooperation.

I am open for  any offer about anything you can add me on skype for tell me whatever you want .

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First of all hi.

I want to inform you to beware of scam.


I will give you some reasons to not work with this person. :y u no?:


1. Fully untrusted person.

2. Low Payment (not intime or even not paid).

3. As dev , he will force you to do all the work(fully open the server(you can do this on your own)), And he will sit and waiting you do all the job.

4. Ubnormal requests from you with low low payment(if he pays you finally)


Explanation of my reasons :LOL:


1. He will be afk the most of the time.(gym,club,others)

2. About payments , he will not pay you intime, if he decide to pay you . you will get about 10% or 20% of donates(remember that you will do all the work and he will just sit and wait you do everything)

3.About ubnormal requests, An example " He asked me to make him from the start a unique vote reward system, I said ok" I made it in 2 days , fully working , hack proof and more. Now read 4.

4.He will never mention about your payment, he will bypass that and in the end when you will fully run the server on your own he will tell you about 200Euro every month , If he will pay you (I mention it a lot..)


Conclusion is yours. I told you what i had to say to be aware and dont fall on his trap. :troll:




Something alse, If you need vote reward fully working contact me and i will show you an example(video) of it. Great source of votes. :-beep- yeah:







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Check on announcements, the new topic about real developers. It might help you.

Classic mxc members... That why i left mxc long ago.  :good sir:

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It shows several skilled developers which could help you with your server. You could pm them.

Read my post first , You think that some of the best developer with help him? with his previous history? No way.


**Ps , Those who know him long time , they know what type of person is antwnhC or Deathlegends .

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Read my post first , You think that some of the best developer with help him? with his previous history? No way.


**Ps , Those who know him long time , they know what type of person is antwnhC or Deathlegends .

Anyway, he was asking for dev, i told him where he can find one. That's all.

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Anyway, he was asking for dev, i told him where he can find one. That's all.


Thats nice of you . But still dont bieleve he will find someone fool :P .

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