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[L2J] Lineage II Wicca - OPENING 17/03/2013

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I was planning on making a "high rate", more specifically a PvP starting with end game with moderate rates.


People argue that on those kinds of servers there is nothing to do.


I figured these elements would a more personal side to the server. At the end of the day farming is just to extend game time and it's annoying because it drags you on and on.


The idea was that assets would essentially allow the player to buy parts of you server infrastructure. Gatekeeper services, private shops; the information gathering was sounded more subtle than it should, i'd like to clarify that it is a system which reports to the clan of boss spawns, and additionally a random player outside of it. The random element is to imitate a leak. Players then have to deal with the leak.


A mercenary system rotating on contracts was also considered. But that tied deep into the event system I had planned. So i'll keep that close to myself for now :P


The Closed BETA phase has ended!


Starting now, the server will be accessible only to GMs. We are working hard on fixing and adding stuff.


The launch is approaching. We don't have an ETA yet, we wouldn't want to get your hopes up and then postpone the launch at the last minute!


Don't worry, though, it will be in February! :)



Here are 2 pictures I managed to snag while testing the raids - I would've taken more if I weren't too busy healing!


Zaken (Daytime Hard)



Frintezza - no action, sorry!





We from Lineage II Wicca wish everyone a happy Valentine's Day!

May you be happy and feel loved.


The launch is fast approaching!


With love,

your L2 Wicca Staff




We from Lineage II Wicca wish everyone a happy Valentine's Day!

May you be happy and feel loved.


The launch is fast approaching!


With love,

your L2 Wicca Staff

so cute <3

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