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error? or not? the PKKills no update+1 never.


this is my config file.


#===================== Config v3.4.2 for l2jserver Hi5 by Masterio ========================#

#========================== CUSTOM PVP/RANK/REWARD SYSTEM =================================#
# Legal options for improve security.
# Legal fields in database store data of legal kills on victim, 
# it's mean if CustomPvpLegalPkKillerAward = false and killer kill PK player, he don't rise kills_legal count.
# INFO: Legal options dosen't matter for Reward/Rank options.
# INFO: All legal fields created for Community Board info about real kills count.

# 			  Enable PvP	 	    	-
# Enable Custom PvP System
CustomPvpEnabled = True

# Enable legal counter in Alt+T window in game. It's mean all kills will be counted by CPS rulez.
CustomPvpLegalCounterAltTEnabled = True

# Minimum player level for rise legal kills.
CustomPvpLegalMinLvl = 1

# If enabled each kill player with Karma will rise kills_legal and kills_today_legal in database. Default true.
CustomPvpLegalPkKillerAward = True

# If enabled each innocent players kills will rise kills_legal and kills_today_legal in database. Default false.
CustomPvpLegalPkModeEnabled = True

# Set time interval between kills the same victim (in minutes).
# If CustomPvpRewardProtection = 0 then reset is working for rewards, 
# if CustomPvpRankProtection = 0 then reset is working for ranks.
# Default: 1440, Preferred: 1440 [24h].
CustomPvpProtectionReset = 1440

# If enabled killer can't earn Rank Points, Rank Reward amount for kill higher rank Victim, than for kill hiself rank rp / rewards amount.
# implementation soon...

# 			  Enable Reward	 	    	-
# INFO: CustomPvpRewardProtectionReset is used.
# Enable Custom PvP Reward System
# REQUIRE: CustomPvpEnabled = true
CustomPvpRewardEnabled = True

# If the same player kill victim many times, then after X times the reward will not increase (0 - Disabled)
CustomPvpRewardProtection = 0

# Reward item id
CustomPvpRewardItemId = 57
# Reward item amount
CustomPvpRewardAmmount = 100

# Minimum player level to obtain reward.
CustomPvpRewardMinLvl = 1

# Gives reward for kill PK player (player with red nick)
CustomPvpRewardPkKillerAward = True

# Gives reward for kill innocent players. (PK mode ON)
CustomPvpRewardPkModeEnabled = False

# 			Enable Ranks 				-
# INFO: CustomPvpRewardProtectionReset is used.
# INFO: CustomPvpRewardEnabled can be disabled.
# INFO: CustomPvpRankName, 
# 		CustomPvpRankMinPoints, 
# 		CustomPvpRankPointsForKill, 
# 		CustomPvpRankRewardIds, 
# 		CustomPvpRankRewardAmounts 
# 		must have same size and cannot be empty.
# REQUIRE: CustomPvpEnabled = true
CustomPvpRankEnabled = True

# Minimum player level to obtain Rank Points.
CustomPvpRankMinLvl = 1

# Minimum player level to obtain Rank Points.
CustomPvpRank = 1

# Rank names (first element is the higher rank):
# Format: name1,name2,name3
# Example: CustomPvpRankName = custom rank name :P

# INFO: Be careful with points. MySql database allow BIGINT(18) total rank points.

# Rank require points (first element is points count for obtain 1st rank title, in example: Five Star General):
# Format: count1,count2,count3
# (count1 > count2 > count3) >= 0, minimum points for first (lowest) rank must be 0!
# Foramt: CustomPvpRankMinPoints = 10000,1000,400,0
# IMPORTANT: property elements count must be same like in CustomPvpRankName.
# Example: if current points BETWEEN 10 000 AND 5 000 is Rank 2.
CustomPvpRankMinPoints = custom rank :P

# Example: For God finger kills reward is 100 points.
# Format: count1,count2,count3
# IMPORTANT: properties count must be same like in CustomPvpRankName.
CustomPvpRankPointsForKill = custom rank :P

# If enabled each rank points earn will give reward by the Rank.
CustomPvpRankRewardEnabled = False
# Reward item id's.
# IMPORTANT: properties elements count must be same like in CustomPvpRankName.
CustomPvpRankRewardIds = custom rank :P
# Reward item amount
# IMPORTANT: properties elements count must be same like in CustomPvpRankItemIds.
CustomPvpRankRewardAmounts = custom rank :P

# If the same player kill victim many times, then after X times the points will not increase (0 - Disabled).
# If CustomPvpRankFarmProtect = 3, then it return 0 Rank Points for kill 4 time the same player.
# INFO: Protection is reseted every CustomPvpRewardProtectionReset.
CustomPvpRankProtection = 0

# Enable alternative points counting for players.
# If enabled then CustomPvpRankPointsForKill is ignored.
# Example: CustomPvpRankKillPointsDown = 100,50,10,1,0
# For first daily kill awards 100, 2nd kill give 50, ... , 0.
CustomPvpRankKillPointsDownEnabled = False
CustomPvpRankKillPointsDown = 100,50,10,1,0

# Shout current Points info to killer & victim.
CustomPvpRankShoutInfo = True

# Enable Rank Points for kill PK.
CustomPvpRankPkKillerAward = True

# Enable Rank Points for kill innocent players. (PK mode ON)
CustomPvpRankPkModeEnabled = False

# 			Enable War Kills 				-
# Enable war kills counter
CustomPvpWarEnabled = True

# Ratio for Rank Points when killed a player from WAR Clan. 
# Add to standard rank points for kill difference between ((points * ratio) - points).
# 2.0 mean 2 times more points for kill. 
# Ratio must be > 1, if <= 1 points will be not awarded.
CustomPvpWarRPRatio = 2.0

# 			.pvpinfo command, and death manager options 	         -
# If enabled allow use .pvpinfo command on targeted player.
CustomPvpInfoCommandEnabled = True

# If enabled .pvpinfo will be used by victim when Killer kill Victim.
CustomPvpInfoCommandShowOnDeathEnabled = True

# Show additional button in PvPWindow after death. 
# Button allow see more details about killer. HP/MP/CP, equipment (enchant) if enabled. 
# It shows killer status only for kill MOMENT.
# Option requires CustomPvpInfoCommandShowOnDeathEnabled and CustomPvpInfoCommandEnabled set on True.
CustomPvpDeathManagerDetailsEnabled = True

# Show killer weapons, armors, jawels and enchant.
CustomPvpDeathManagerShowItems = True

# Enable Rewards for obtain RankPoints.
# Rewards configuration in database table: custom_pvp_system_rank_reward.
# If enabled button "Get Reward" appear in PvP Status Window. 
CustomPvpRankPointsRewardEnabled = True

# 			PvP / Rank / Reward / DM zone option's 			-
# Zone id's:
# 	ZONE_PVP = 0;
# 	ZONE_PEACE = 1;
# 	ZONE_SIEGE = 2;
# 	ZONE_WATER = 7;
# 	ZONE_JAIL = 8;
# 	ZONE_CASTLE = 10;
# 	ZONE_SWAMP = 11;
# 	ZONE_FORT = 13;
# 	ZONE_TOWN = 15;
# 	ZONE_SCRIPT = 16;
# 	ZONE_HQ = 17;

# Custom PvP System Anti-Farm options (zones id):
# Restricted zones id's. 
# It's mean if 'CustomPvpRestrictedZonesIds = 300003' , pvp/points counting is impossible here.
# Format: zoneId,zoneId, ... ,zoneId,zoneId
# Default: CustomPvpRestrictedZonesIds = 1,8,9
CustomPvpRestrictedZonesIds = 1,8,9

# Death Manager is disabled in this zones.
CustomPvpDeathManagerRestrictedZonesIds = 1,8,9

# Rank Ponts Bonus Ratio Zones
# Add to standard rank points for kill difference between ((points * ratio) - points).
# FORMAT: zoneId,ratio; ... ;zoneId,ratio
# Ratio must be > 1, if <= 1 points will be not awarded.
# Example: 2,1.5;13,1.2
# It will multiply rank points for Killer by 1.5 in area 2 , if Killer is inside this area.
CustomPvpRankPointsBonusZones = 2,1.5;13,1.2

# 			    Anti-Farm 	             -
# INFO: Options to check farming players 
# (dualbox farming, party farming, clan farming).
CustomPvpAntiFarmClanAllyEnabled = True
CustomPvpAntiFarmPartyEnabled = True
CustomPvpAntiFarmIpEnabled = False

# 			    						Database 						             -
# Interval between PvpTable dump into database (in ms).
# Value must be greather than 10000 or will be overrided for 10000.
# Default: 60000
PvpTableUpdateInterval = 60000

# Interval between TopTable updates (in ms).
# Value must be greather than 60000 or will be overrided for 60000.
# Default: 600000 (10 min) Safe: 3600000 (1 h)
TopTableUpdateInterval = 3600000

# 			   Community Board           -
# Enable statistics system for community TOP LIST, data like top killers, top RP gatherers will be showed.
# Default: True
CommunityBoardTopListEnabled = True




tested in live server 150 players online. all player have 0 pk kills. only PvPkills.


P/D: i want reward rank point only for flagged player no PK Player.


# Gives reward for kill innocent players. (PK mode ON)

CustomPvpRewardPkModeEnabled = False


Next revision for few days i have important project to do now:D


Ill try add nick/title colors, and try debug /pvpinfo commands. :D


any news about this ?


    [javac] Compiling 1683 source files to /home/L2/L2J/L2J_Server/build/bin
    [javac] /home/L2/L2J/L2J_Server/java/com/l2jserver/gameserver/handler/UserCommandHandler.java:45: error: cannot find symbol
    [javac]                     registerHandler(new IVoicedCommandHandlerPvpInfo());
    [javac]                                         ^
    [javac]   symbol:   class IVoicedCommandHandlerPvpInfo
    [javac]   location: class UserCommandHandler
    [javac] /home/L2/L2J/L2J_Server/java/com/l2jserver/gameserver/network/clientpackets/RequestMagicSkillUse.java:83: error: cannot find symbol
    [javac]                     if (activeChar.getTarget() instanceof L2MonsterInstance)
    [javac]                                                           ^
    [javac]   symbol:   class L2MonsterInstance
    [javac]   location: class RequestMagicSkillUse
    [javac] 2 errors



need help, i´m new with coding java


If you use eclipse, and if you have all configured fine:

1. check if in code happened some errors, eclipse hints it (red X icon near file icon).

2. remember check your java jdk files in project libraries.


If you have problems with java read forum topics, there is many about configuration and develop projects.


If you use eclipse, and if you have all configured fine:

1. check if in code happened some errors, eclipse hints it (red X icon near file icon).

No i don´t use eclipse cause i´m using an unix root server.  I´ve done all changes manually and checked changes several times...

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