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[POLL]Farm Vs. Kills


Farm Or Kills?  

48 members have voted

  1. 1. Farm Or Kills?

    • Farm
    • Kills
    • Both

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The current metagame isn't that offensive, most of the time it goes for farming and very little kills in tournaments early game / the whole game where they reach a point where one or two teamfights finish the game, I don't really like that as I like dynamic games :p


Early game, I'd say you need to farm but do poke or take the kill if needed. You need to be able to do both and not solely focus on one. A kill is worth around 300 gold up to 600 for a legendary player. A creep is worth around 20 gold +- early game. But there are several other factors which makes a kill so worth it, you can deny the opponent, make him lose a wave of experience and snowball out of it and all.


There's no real better thing there, it's a mix of both basically

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The current metagame isn't that offensive, most of the time it goes for farming and very little kills in tournaments early game / the whole game where they reach a point where one or two teamfights finish the game, I don't really like that as I like dynamic games :p


Early game, I'd say you need to farm but do poke or take the kill if needed. You need to be able to do both and not solely focus on one. A kill is worth around 300 gold up to 600 for a legendary player. A creep is worth around 20 gold +- early game. But there are several other factors which makes a kill so worth it, you can deny the opponent, make him lose a wave of experience and snowball out of it and all.


There's no real better thing there, it's a mix of both basically


I think that you watch CLG games mostly, cause they're the only team that builds strong team fight team comps and turtle to late game in every game.


The current meta-game is one of the most offensive this game has ever gone through. Many of its elements lead to this conclusion... Aggresive counter-jungling (noone did that at any effective extent until M5 showed up in the competitive scene)... Early 5-man ganks usually aiming for bot lane (That's one of the reasons why ADs with escapes -Corki, Graves, Ezreal- are the most popular at the moment)... Early tower pushes for sooner team regroups in order to perform heavier pushes and force team fights (Everyone played with a "If I destroy the enemy turret early, then I will not be able to farm" philosophy until a few months ago)... etc etc


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I think that you watch CLG games mostly, cause they're the only team that builds strong team fight team comps and turtle to late game in every game.


The current meta-game is one of the most offensive this game has ever gone through. Many of its elements lead to this conclusion... Aggresive counter-jungling (noone did that at any effective extent until M5 showed up in the competitive scene)... Early 5-man ganks usually aiming for bot lane (That's one of the reasons why ADs with escapes -Corki, Graves, Ezreal- are the most popular at the moment)... Early tower pushes for sooner team regroups in order to perform heavier pushes and force team fights (Everyone played with a "If I destroy the enemy turret early, then I will not be able to farm" philosophy until a few months ago)... etc etc


Woops, it's true that I didn't think about the recent tourneys(I was talking about the old meta and not the actual one), Although they don't do 5man ganks that often ? Oo. They often switch bot and top and go for the early turret aswell as the denying (jungler comes really early and if done well can take a kill). But other than that you're right, sorry t_t

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Woops, it's true that I didn't think about the recent tourneys(I was talking about the old meta and not the actual one), Although they don't do 5man ganks that often ? Oo. They often switch bot and top and go for the early turret aswell as the denying (jungler comes really early and if done well can take a kill). But other than that you're right, sorry t_t


Well, Teleport summoner spell is becoming more and more popular in tournament level games for solo top players. This allows them to move around the map more easily without missing too much if something does not go according to plan. Sure it has a long cooldown, but it can be enough to achieve an objective if used at the right moment and with proper coordination with the rest of the team.



Plus, I've noticed that even without teleport solo top players tend to try to assist their team no matter what. Top is no more an eternally farming lane.

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Farm goes first always!


when the jungler comes to gank, then you go for the kill

when you wanna roam the map if you are mid for example, push the lanes asap, dont care for the farm you get, but try as many as you can and then go for the roam

and when the match reach the teamfights stage, then make sure you never leave your team, unless there's a huge wave somewhere, but then you should inform your team instead of running away without noticing anything

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Etymology: "to strike, hit, beat, knock;" c.1300, "to deprive of life," perhaps from an unrecorded variant of O.E. cwellan "to kill" (see quell), but the earliest sense suggests otherwise. Sense in to kill time is from 1728. Related: Killed; killing. Kill-devil, colloquial for "rum," especially if new or of bad quality, is from 1630s.







Etymology: "fixed payment (usually in exchange for taxes collected, etc.), fixed rent," from O.Fr. ferme "rent, lease," from M.L. firma "fixed payment," from L. firmare "to fix, settle, confirm, strengthen," from firmus "firm" (see firm (adj.)). Sense of "tract of leased land" is first recorded early 14c.; that of "cultivated land" (leased or not) is 1520s. Phrase buy the farm "die in battle," is at least from World War II, perhaps a cynical reference to the draftee's dream of getting out of the war and going home, in many cases to a peaceful farmstead. But fetch the farm is prisoner slang from at least 1879 for "get sent to the infirmary," with reference to the better diet and lighter duties there.

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