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[EN]Corki Guide


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Its late at night , i am really bored and got the desicion to make this guide on how i do play Corki .

Solo/duo averages with corki : 8.3/3/5.6



Heal.png Heal is a great spell on corki .As long as you have it you can get in fight really early or otherwise keep in lane farming for a long time .. Even if your opponent harash you , you can always use heal and here he go again from the begin.


My second spell is always chaning . If my support gets exchaust then i will take a flash (Even if i have "w" with flash you can make great combos) . Otherwise i will get an exchaust.




My masteries are basically only Attack . I go with 30/0/0 . Here is a screenshot.




You can see maximized BUTCHER and DEMOLITIONIST . The reason that i maximize these 2 is because i want to win the lane as fast as possible and trying a great farm on early game.

Also you can see maximized SORCERY . The reason that i maximize this one , is because corki is basically a skill user AD Carry . So the CD on skills is pretty good.


Item Build


Here is my late game build

berserkers-greaves.gifTrinity_Force.gifBanshee's_Veil.gifThe_Bloodthirster.gifInfinity_Edge.gif and for last item i go for Madred's_Bloodrazor.gif or Last_Whisper.gif


Purchase order

I start off with a dorans blade . I go in lane and i farm as possible ~1900 gold and go b . Then i take Berseker Graves , another dorans blade , a vampiric scepter and as many pot as my gold can offer.. With these 4 items (2 dorans, boots , scepter) you will be really strong in pushing . You will have damage , health and lifesteal (So you dont really care about harash) and all these in early game!


After these my main target is to get bf . If i cant farm and go b for any reason then i start making phage . So if i buy BF then i buy Phage , or if i start making Phage , i buy Bf and end it . So after the 4 early game items , my main target is bf and phage . As long as i have these two i end my bloodthrister and farm it as much as possible . Then end trinity and start building banshees veil . In this time we sell 1 dorans and get an infity edge to maximize our damage! As an ending item i choose something to go against tanks . So if they have a Healthy tank i go with Madred's , otherwise a full armor tank i go with Last Whisper .



(Sorry for not tellign the exact names my launcher is in Greek)

So i mainly build AD and Def runes .

My quintencesses are for Attack Damage

My red runes are for Attack Damage aswell

My yellow are all for Armor

And my glyphs(YE! Remember the name of blue runes! :P) are all for magic resist.


So i start the game with 15AD , 13 Armor and 11 Magic Resist.


My current elo is 1322


P.S. I dont want you to rate my guide and the style i made it . I mostly want you to rate on how i use corki and if you have any advices .

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1)Corki is mana hungry. so 21-0-9 is great .30-0-0 is useless.

2)if you re winning the lane AVOID dorans and rush Phage,Sheen-->Trinity Force

3)Who needs " DEMOLITIONIST"?you dont need to push with corki.why should you push a lane and lose farm?you re NOT heimer or morde.as Ad you rely on farm

4)Why Banshees instead of Guardians Angel? if you re focused you re dead. and banshees wont save you vs a Leona for instance.

5)ALL ad carries do NOT need Heal Spell.for a magical reason all the ad carries below 1500 are picking Heal with the 270sec cooldown instead of the Ignite which has 190sec.Flash-Ignite are your spells

6)Lastly if you wanna play with full offence masteries you dont you give in Magic Penetration  since corki is an AD caster?


imo you should spectate some higher elo guys and learn some techniques 8)

though the guide is semi bad i congrat your effort and time.


EDit:15/6/10/ KDA CS: 267/game at 1600

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Basically, everything but everything you do is wrong

Masteries shall be 23 0 7 or something, excluding the +4 AP and 1,5% damage, and going for Mana reg at utility


Spells 95% of times is Ignite and Flash. No time to explain, you cant just understand it for now

We first go for Q max, then E


about items depending gold.

Best time is to go for a phage only(1315) or both phage + dorans or boots. Going for double dorans vamp scepter sets u SO FAR BEHIND.


About your build. The standard route is Trinity + IE + last whisper or GA (depends on the armor they stack, which to build first)

Then finish the BT and thats all.


Only good thing about this is runes

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btw destroying the tower doesn't mean that you win the lane...

If you are losing the lane already, thats a step further on losing your lane even more.
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even if I play ad so rare,since i'm not an ad lover,even a newbie* ad(with basics(plus) LoL knowledge) can understand that this is so bad guide.

bad masteries and bad runes(why no armor pen?!)


also,rly..madred's on carry?..

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even if I play ad so rare,since i'm not an ad lover,even a newbie* ad(with basics(plus) LoL knowledge) can understand that this is so bad guide.

bad masteries and bad runes(why no armor pen?!)


also,rly..madred's on carry?..


You don't need armor pen runes, cause you can get the mastery that gives you 10 % Armor penetration. AD runes are more useful, while they also help you last hit more easily.

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You don't need armor pen runes, cause you can get the mastery that gives you 10 % Armor penetration. AD runes are more useful, while they also help you last hit more easily.

some extra armor won't be good!?
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1)Corki is mana hungry. so 21-0-9 is great .30-0-0 is useless.

2)if you re winning the lane AVOID dorans and rush Phage,Sheen-->Trinity Force

3)Who needs " DEMOLITIONIST"?you dont need to push with corki.why should you push a lane and lose farm?you re NOT heimer or morde.as Ad you rely on farm

4)Why Banshees instead of Guardians Angel? if you re focused you re dead. and banshees wont save you vs a Leona for instance.

5)ALL ad carries do NOT need Heal Spell.for a magical reason all the ad carries below 1500 are picking Heal with the 270sec cooldown instead of the Ignite which has 190sec.Flash-Ignite are your spells

6)Lastly if you wanna play with full offence masteries you dont you give in Magic Penetration  since corki is an AD caster?


imo you should spectate some higher elo guys and learn some techniques 8)

though the guide is semi bad i congrat your effort and time.


EDit:15/6/10/ KDA CS: 267/game at 1600

Basically, everything but everything you do is wrong

Masteries shall be 23 0 7 or something, excluding the +4 AP and 1,5% damage, and going for Mana reg at utility


Spells 95% of times is Ignite and Flash. No time to explain, you cant just understand it for now

We first go for Q max, then E


about items depending gold.

Best time is to go for a phage only(1315) or both phage + dorans or boots. Going for double dorans vamp scepter sets u SO FAR BEHIND.


About your build. The standard route is Trinity + IE + last whisper or GA (depends on the armor they stack, which to build first)

Then finish the BT and thats all.


Only good thing about this is runes

Both thanks for the advices :).


I am kidna new in AD Carry . I used to play support in my previous account .


P.S. Remember i said that i want you to help me and correct my mistakes . So far only Noble and Finito did it .


EDIT: So i changed my masteries to 22/0/8 . Spells will be flash ignite and i wont make the shit 2 dorans in my game . I will rush for trinity(Picking Phage and Sheen as fast as possible) then get my infinity and depending the enemy team i will go for LW or Guardians . At last i will get a bloodthirster .


Just a question i used to maximize E first and then Q . Reason to maximize Q?

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more burst. As for double dorans, they are not bad, if you go back with 950G

but having so much gold and spending that for dorans , thats the bad thing

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more burst. As for double dorans, they are not bad, if you go back with 950G

but having so much gold and spending that for dorans , thats the bad thing


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