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[Guide-Program] How to hack Cyta 4 letters router

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Hello Hello


Lets start...

As title says its a program that can hack Cyta xxxx Router Passwords

Eeasy and Work 100% If the owner of the Router hasnt Changed his password


Dowload Link Just press here


Dowload Link Just press here


How it Works...




i have Internet from this one :D


GL for any Question just Reply me here !!!


Becaouse some people are just dam

Credits for SHARE : Sexomaniakos ( me )

Credits Coders : Frapedas & xhino ... ( you can see them on image )

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Why this hide? -.-


This program made by you? As I saw, not!


Give right credits, please.

You must be realy idiot..... You can see even on the Program Who made it... Even on the PIC... ARE YOU BLIND?

Also STOP brake my .... and STOP SPAM

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