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sometimes when im alone, i open eclipse and pretend im intrepid


than you should have beer and pizza near you when you do that, thats a must! :D


Don't insult my work.


PS : if you stopped aCis at "skill engine", then you should stfu a little and read more about the subject.

PS2 : I coded stuff (cf, Sailren, castles gates system).

PS3 : what contributions did you made for L2J ? Time to make an auto-inspection of your own uselessness, no ?


I won't even comment the "we all love till the day we die", which is plain ridiculous. You should stop drugs.


I can't wait to see how *original* your C4 pack will be, and how great your new system will be.


Less blabla and more action. I know you like to bark, but that's too much.


i dont insult your work i just said the truth but okay in details


You copied over stuff from l2j thats the most noticed part of your pack especially on dp side, you screwed up the npc.xml so hard that no man on this planet can work with it in a fast and easy way because its too huge, because of all the c/p you inherited every single weakpoint of l2j as far as performance goes(like their obsession with hashmaps and javolution free things).


You are free to say anything about any project that i ever worked on difference is i look at it as constructive criticism instead of an insult when we make the pack public i'll be the 1st to send you a pm to look at it.

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sometimes when im alone, i open eclipse and pretend im intrepid

\sometimes when intrepid is alone, he blends his dick with his fingers


so you blends his dick with his fingers, if thats your point

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ohh and tryskell for your information i am till to this date admin in l2jfree and emu so my contribution to the l2jscene is pretty much more than a half private c/p interlude pack :D

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Interpid lies.He is drinking juices instead of beers cause he is under 18 jajajajaja.


god im busted now :(


anyway i open another bottle just because :D

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