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What about a Freya server with "until interlude" items?

Would you play in a server like that?  

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  1. 1. Would you play in a server like that?

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What about a Freya server with "until interlude" items?


I mean with draconic armors, imperial crusader, draconic bows , arcana maces etc.

No vesper and such things.


The reason is that a Freya server can be more stable than an Interlude server , cause of bug less and many other things. And many people hate vesper , etc items.


Vote seriously please.

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i played a server like that but it was gf not freya,the new skiles all that freya means is awsome even hi5,but onw thing that sucks are items!

The s grade items look better and,ofcourse:)),are better than vesper vorpal elegia..

I will play without hesitation.

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Hello there,

I'm actually surprised of this thread, meanwhile, I still don't understand why any Skilled Crew haven't never worked on that project, succesfully.

The points is: Lineage was Interlude, the apix of its gameplay-balance- experienced gamers-knowledge.

We all know, is a fact, that most of the Interlude private servers mid/high rate were dominated by Archers class, in particular way if the servers was Custom like; only a few servers have found a decent setting/costumization able to offer a balanced gameplay and they were something of Epic.


Here an example: Heaven's Wail 2007


You can notice how different classes are enjoing the PvP, Nukers, Archers, Tanks, DamageDealers, Healers.


Well, for me that chronicles was Lineage.

I totally appreciate the new interface clients, but the new gears/buffs are fucking ridiculous.


Also, now the servers are "whore servers", fresh start with hundred of players and after a couple of weeks they close. That happen becouse our community is missing a Skilled and mature Crew of developers and GameMasters.


After 5 years I have lost the hope to find a Serious Server, the new generation of gamers have a different "point of view" of what Lineage is.


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The points is: Lineage was Interlude, the apix of its gameplay-balance- experienced gamers-knowledge.

We all know, is a fact, that most of the Interlude private servers mid/high rate were dominated by Archers class, in particular way if the servers was Custom like; only a few servers have found a decent setting/costumization able to offer a balanced gameplay and they were something of Epic.



That's only a well established opinion. Like sheep, people follow the idea that a chronicle = gameplay because no one is open to something new and different.


These "whore" servers die because they are one like the other, and chronicle barely matters for those who know what L2 is at the core - point+click+farm. It's what every server does and what practically any child demands.


It is also like an old franchise - Aliens, AliensVsPredator, and Prometheus. It is an old, tiring concept and mass of ideas, or like a whore which everyone had - it is uninteresting.



I do not see the big deal in having items up until interlude but with skills up until [chronicle]. It may help balance, but most of it seems eye candy.


If it's the latter then it just proves my point - people will join because it is a well established opinion of standard.


My personal stand in this argument - I don't like draconic. I always hated the "eye" textures on the armor, although the general scheme of red and black was nice.

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fuck yeah!!!

but i have some questions!

will we have new buffs,skills,kamaels,attributes,certifications?

imo i dont like attributes and cert but add all new skills and buffs and areas,drops!

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These "whore" servers die because they are one like the other, and chronicle barely matters for those who know what L2 is at the core - point+click+farm. It's what every server does and what practically any child demands.



As I see around and by my experience, wannabe DEVs try harder to build a special server out of the common others by adding some DISGUSTING and totally senseless custom thing: colorname, custom gears with absurd stats, stuck augmentation, stuck subclass skills, retarded % of speed or whatsoever.

Now the mid/high rate Pvp players are bored, they, we, want to farm, in beautiful place, near a lake, a river, Dino's, caves..a farm improved for farming classes, like dreadnought, titans, AoE chars...buy their Arcana Mace, or draconic bow, plus it, and find a good clan that will help him to grow, by doing RB, high-level of farming, become a shining hero and enjoy PRO PVP.


I'm texting from a phone, pardon my grammatical errors.

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well problem is...


Draconic Set + bow is overpowered against arcana robe and mace acumen...


also doesnt help that Freay cap mages c.speed to 1999...


and augment skill are like shitty in Freya...so no bishop or summoner acting like mages


best thing is make a high rate server, without npc buffer, without mana pots and without change the time of buffs...


leave it all retail, but add equips to gm shop, no farming...just pure pvp fun in retail style gameplay


I wonder why no one ever made a server like this...

and why always the same custom servers one like the other

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