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[Help Me] Symbols for D.Elf Archer

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btw, do what u want, but don't go lower of -5 con..DE's have already low con, gong too low would make u 2 hits..


and it will on the other hand make you kick and crit like a horse making your opponent a 1/2-shotter (well, critter anyway but you get the point I guess)

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HG  +4 STR + 3 DEX - 7 CON + MJ light set ---> big criticals and since u have full buffs u dont have problem with HP/CP


Low Rate + 2 DEX + 2 STR - 4 CON shoul be the best both pve/pvp

Why not STR+4 DEX-4? Will be same like human with much more patk.


if u go -4 DEX even a dagger with bow will be beter....

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