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Remove the white borders dude. the text is bad but the rest is some how good

Well now I am not remove nothing. I made practice;3

And the text maybe isn't so good but thanks for you post:)




I have do practice in photoshop 5 months!

All opinions accepted :$

5 months gotta be kidding right? I think you used bad gradient or screen layer i cant understand what is it, the smugde isnt done correctly ,, but a really nice try , to see a really good result you have to try ,try and try :)

good luck hope to see more from you .


5 months gotta be kidding right? I think you used bad gradient or screen layer i cant understand what is it, the smugde isnt done correctly ,, but a really nice try , to see a really good result you have to try ,try and try :)

good luck hope to see more from you .

Well yeah I must make more practice with Smudge tool :/

I will try more in my next signature. Thank you for the good words.


P.S: I think i must check someone tutorial for help anyway;p


Nice try buddy, Rating:8/10 ;) Maybe your text need good Fonts to be more extremely

Thanks you for the support. I am gonna be better with the time:)

Well yeah I must make more practice with Smudge tool :/

I will try more in my next signature. Thank you for the good words.


P.S: I think i must check someone tutorial for help anyway;p

Thanks you for the support. I am gonna be better with the time:)

thousands results you can find some that you like outcome and practise with effects that they use :)


Link: https://www.google.gr/search?hl=el&q=Signature+tutorials&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1366&bih=624&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=UKjbT7LkOaqg0QXi_u2ECw

xaxaxa i knew it;p

I wanna try find my style and don't copy/paste the others but ty again:)


xaxaxa i knew it;p

I wanna try find my style and don't copy/paste the others but ty again:)

i didnt say to coppy paste your style you can practise on a huge variety of effects and make your own style slowly and go try your unique and new things :)

i didnt say to coppy paste your style you can practise on a huge variety of effects and make your own style slowly and go try your unique and new things :)

Now u are right dude hohoho:)

Basically, the blending isn't good here. In my opinion, that orange lighting is inproper here. Also, that backround is kind of a mess I cannot understand what exactly is behind the render. About the text is fine.. Anyway, keep practise.


Awesome render and lightning effects.

THe only thing I dislike is the text and maybe the fact that the render doesn't blend so much.

Keep it up dude ;)

Well i will use a better text style in the next time.

I must see some tutorials for level up.

Thnx m8 :)

Basically, the blending isn't good here. In my opinion, that orange lighting is inproper here. Also, that backround is kind of a mess I cannot understand what exactly is behind the render. About the text is fine.. Anyway, keep practise.

The background* created from the render. I cut the render and used smudge and Liquify tools.

I play for the background for make something new & good.

PS : Someone will say "you make a potato" but i dont care :P

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